In this article, we are going to cover how to build APIs with Node.js - Express - MySQL. As we all know, Javascript is the most popular language because we can easily build both front end and back end services with it.
- Installation of required packages
- Database Configuration setup
- CRUD Methods
- Execution of Stored Procedure
Step 1
Create a folder with the project name and open the folder in Visual Studio Code and open the command prompt (Win + R -> cmd) or terminal in Vs Code and switch to the project directory.
In order to create the package.json file please find the below command and it will ask for some project configuration - just click on enter.
Command: npm init
Required Packages
Express - For Server
MySql - Interacting with Database Server
body-parser - It allows us to send the JSON data to Node API
Let's install all the packages in one go by the below command and after installing all the packages you will see the packages with the version in the package.json file inside the project.
- {
- "name": "nodeapicrud",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "author": "",
- "license": "ISC",
- "dependencies": {
- "body-parser": "^1.19.0",
- "express": "^4.17.1",
- "mysql": "^2.18.1"
- }
- }
Let's create a database in MySQL so that we can perform CRUD operations via Database. I have used MySql Workbench to connect to the database server
Create a Database and under that create a table.
- create table Employee(
- Designation VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
- ContactNo INT NOT NULL,
- );
Create a Stored Procedure in Database for Insertion and Updation through Node API. I have used a single procedure for both operations.
- CREATE PROCEDURE `AddorUpdateEmployee`(
- IN _EmpID INT,
- IN _Name varchar(45),
- IN _designation varchar(45),
- IN _City varchar(45),
- IN _ContactNo INT
- )
- Begin
- Declare EmployeeId INT; Declare Status varchar(20);
- set EmployeeId = (select Id from employee where Id = _EmpID);
- IF EmployeeId != _EmpID THEN
- Insert into employee(Id,Name,Designation,City,ContactNo)
- values (_EmpID,_Name,_designation,_City,_ContactNo);
- Set Status = "Insertion Completed";
- else
- update employee
- set
- Name = _Name,
- Designation = _designation,
- City = _City,
- ContactNo = _ContactNo;
- set Status = "Updation Done";
Database Configuration in Node.js
I have used a single index.js file for all the configuration setup and for CRUD Methods and I have posted comments under each section so that we can have a clear picture of why we are using this and where it impacts.
Steps that I have followed in index.js
- Importing the packages
- Database configuration and connection string setup for MySql.
- To check whether the connection is successful or Failed while running the project
- To Run the server with Port Number.
- API Methods Get, Put, Post, Delete
- const mysql = require('mysql');
- const express = require('express');
- var app = express();
- const bodyparser = require('body-parser');
- app.use(bodyparser.json());
- var mysqlConnection = mysql.createConnection({
- host: 'localhost',
- user : 'root',
- password : '******',
- database : 'employeedb',
- multipleStatements : true
- });
- mysqlConnection.connect((err) => {
- if(!err) {
- console.log("Db Connection Succeed");
- }
- else{
- console.log("Db connect Failed \n Error :" + JSON.stringify(err,undefined,2));
- }
- });
- app.listen(3000,()=> console.log("Express server is running at port no : 3000"));
- app.get('/employees',(req,res)=>{
- mysqlConnection.query('SELECT * FROM Employee',(err,rows,fields)=>{
- if(!err)
- res.send(rows);
- else
- console.log(err);
- })
- });
- app.get('/employees/:id',(req,res)=>{
- mysqlConnection.query('SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE id = ?',[],(err,rows,fields)=>{
- if(!err)
- res.send(rows);
- else
- console.log(err);
- })
- });
- app.delete('/employees/:id',(req,res)=>{
- mysqlConnection.query('DELETE FROM Employee WHERE id = ?',[],(err,rows,fields)=>{
- if(!err)
- res.send("Data Deletion Successful");
- else
- console.log(err);
- })
- });
- let emp = req.body;
- var sql = "SET @EmpID = ?;SET @Name = ?;SET @Designation = ?;SET @City = ?;SET @ContactNo = ?; \
- CALL AddorUpdateEmployee(@EmpID,@Name,@Designation,@City,@ContactNo);"
- mysqlConnection.query(sql,[emp.EmpID,emp.Name,emp.Designation,emp.City,emp.ContactNo],(err,rows,fields)=>{
- if(!err)
- res.send("Insertion Completed");
- else
- console.log(err);
- })
- });
- app.put('/employees',(req,res)=>{
- let emp = req.body;
- var sql = "SET @EmpID = ?;SET @Name = ?;SET @Designation = ?;SET @City = ?;SET @ContactNo = ?; \
- CALL AddorUpdateEmployee(@EmpID,@Name,@Designation,@City,@ContactNo);"
- mysqlConnection.query(sql,[emp.EmpID,emp.Name,emp.Designation,emp.City,emp.ContactNo],(err,rows,fields)=>{
- if(!err)
- res.send("Updation Done");
- else
- console.log(err);
- })
- });
Run the Project,
Run the above command in the terminal -> node index.js
We can see whether our express server and database connection is made successfully or not in the console itself.
Now we can test our API's in Postman
Get Request
It's a simple Get call to fetch all the employee details in Json format from the database. In the same way for a Delete request just pass the employee id in the query parameter to perform the delete operation.
Example: http://localhost:3000/employees/2 (Delete)
Post Request
Same as above but the only change is you need to pass the JSON object to the post-call to insert the record to Database.
Finally, you can see the inserted records in a database table
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Keep learning .......!