Book Club Article 16 - Simon Sinek - Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe

I enjoyed this video a lot. A big takeaway for me is how a leader sets the expectation and explains the WHY before an action is taken. One of my favorite lines is the differentiation of an authority and a leader. Almost every time the more you give of yourself the more you will get back. 
Change makes people feel uncomfortable so having our leaders create a safe environment during change is critical. What are you doing to create this type of environment…regardless of your role you have the ability to do this.
I hope everyone is having a great summer!!!
By Monday, September 30, 2019, watch the following video. Please respond with a take-away and, if possible, a real-life example of one thing you will try to do differently.
I look forward to seeing everyone’s comments.
I would like to extend my coaching services to this group. If you feel you could benefit from 1-on-1 coaching, would just like to discuss an idea or are struggling with a specific situation free to reach out to me at [email protected]. I will be offering limited session for free for a limited time.
Look for my next article in October 2019. Have a great summer!!!!

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