Block Sign-In User In M365 Using Viva Dashboard


In an organization, employees leave and join the organization and it is a process. Company data should be secured when employees leave the organization. Ideally, when an employee leaves, the IT Team should have the  right to close and block the user by sign-in to the M365 environment.

We will discuss and learn about how we can implement a feature for the manager to block sign-in by users when any employee leaves the team.

Learning Objectives

  1. Information of Adaptive cards
  2. Information of Adaptive Cards Extension (ACEs)
  3. Generate SPFx solution with ACEs
  4. Create Model and Service
  5. Create multiple Quick View
  6. Modify default Card View
  7. Modify Adaptive Card Extension
  8. Output

Let’s begin.

Information of Adaptive Cards

Adaptive Cards is a universal Card UI framework released by Microsoft in 2017 which aims to standardize the lay-outing of Cards independent of the host platform.

The goal is to define a Card once, make it portable and flexible and use it to the different platforms to apply it according to its own requirements.

Adaptive Cards are written in JSON (JavaScript object notation). They’re just a simple syntax for how a Card should be structured, where the list goes, where a button sets, and how the title and description (information) looks, etc. Each host application that displays your Card will then tweak it so its styling looks like a native part of the app.

Reference Link:

Information of Adaptive Cards Extension (ACEs)

Adaptive Card Extensions is a Component type in SharePoint Framework that can enable developers to create rich and native extensions for Microsoft Viva Connections’ Dashboards and SharePoint Pages. Aces are using the Adaptive Card engine to generate rich UI by applying declarative JSON schema.

Developers need to focus on only business logic and traverse Cards and Quick Views depending on business requirements.

Generate SPFx solution with ACEs

Before generating an SPFx solution with ACEs, make sure you have installed the below prerequisites.

Install the latest beta release using the below code.

npm install @microsoft/generator-sharepoint@next --global

Open node command prompt

Reach to your desire location where you want to create a solution

Run the below command

yo @microsoft/sharepoint

When prompted, enter the below values to each parameter.

Block Sign-In User In M365 Using Viva Dashboard

Once all required packages are downloaded then you will get a message as below.

Now open a solution in visual studio code or editor that you want to use.

The below command is used to open the solution in VS Code

code .

Create Model and Service to consume Graph

Install required packages to connect graph in solution

npm install @pnp/sp @pnp/graph @pnp/logging

Create Model

Create a folder called “Models” in “..\src\”.

Create a new file with the name “models.ts” in folder models at location “..\src\models”.

Copy the below code and paste it into the file.

export interface IMyTeam {
    userPrincipalName: string;
    displayName: string;
    givenName: string;
    id: string;
    mobilePhone: string;
    officeLocation: string;
    preferredLanguage: string;
    surname: string;
    jobTitle: string;
    mail: string;
  export interface IConfig {
    members: IMyTeam[];
  export class Config implements IConfig {
      public members: IMyTeam[] = []
    ) { }

Create Service

Create a folder called “Services” in “..\src\”.

Create a new file called “Service.ts” in folder services at location “..\src\services”.

Copy the below code to it.

import { IConfig, IMyTeam, Config } from "../models/models";
import { Logger, LogLevel } from "@pnp/logging";
import "@pnp/graph/users";
import "@pnp/graph/onedrive";
import "@pnp/graph/groups";
import { MSGraphClient } from "@microsoft/sp-http";
import { graph } from "@pnp/graph";
import forEach from "lodash/forEach";

export interface IService {
    Init(client: MSGraphClient): Promise<void>;

export class Service implements IService {

    private LOG_SOURCE: string = "🔶Service";
    private _ready: boolean = false;
    private _currentConfig: IConfig = null;
    private _client: MSGraphClient;
    public async Init(client: MSGraphClient): Promise<void> {
        this._client = client;
        await this._getConfig();

    public async BlockSignIn(userPrincipalName): Promise<boolean> {
        return await this._blockSignIn(userPrincipalName);
    public get Ready(): boolean {
        return this._ready;
    public get Config(): IConfig {
        return this._currentConfig;

    private async _getConfig(): Promise<void> {
        try {
            this._currentConfig = await this.GenerateConfig();
            this._ready = true;
        } catch (error) {
            Logger.write(`${this.LOG_SOURCE} (_getConfig) - ${error} - `, LogLevel.Error);

    private async GenerateConfig(): Promise<IConfig> {
        let mmpConfig: IConfig = null;
        try {
            mmpConfig = new Config();
            mmpConfig.members = await this._directReportsToMe();
        } catch (error) {
            Logger.write(`${this.LOG_SOURCE} (GenerateConfig) - ${error} - `, LogLevel.Error);
        return mmpConfig;

    private async _directReportsToMe(): Promise<IMyTeam[]> {
        let returnValue: IMyTeam[] = [];
        try {
            let directReports = await;
            if (directReports.length > 0) {
                forEach(directReports, (o: any) => {
                        displayName: o.displayName,
                        jobTitle: o.jobTitle,
                        givenName: o.givenName,
                        mail: o.mail,
                        mobilePhone: o.mobilePhone,
                        officeLocation: o.officeLocation,
                        preferredLanguage: o.preferredLanguage,
                        surname: o.surname,
                        userPrincipalName: o.userPrincipalName
        } catch (error) {
            Logger.write(`${this.LOG_SOURCE} (_directReportsToMe) - ${error} - `, LogLevel.Error);
        return returnValue;

    private async _blockSignIn(userPrincipalName): Promise<boolean> {
        let doesSignInBlocked: boolean = false;

        await this._client.api(`/users/${userPrincipalName}`).patch({
            "accountEnabled": false
        }).then(() => {
            doesSignInBlocked = true;
        }).catch((error) => {
            Logger.write(`${this.LOG_SOURCE} (_blockSignIn) - ${error} - `, LogLevel.Error);

        return doesSignInBlocked;

Create Multiple Quick View

Success Quick View

Success quick view calls when block sign-in process has been successfully executed.

Create new file called “SuccessView.ts” at location “..\src\adaptiveCardExtensions\myTeam\quickView \”

Copy below code in the “SuccessView.ts” file.

import { ISPFxAdaptiveCard, BaseAdaptiveCardView, IActionArguments } from '@microsoft/sp-adaptive-card-extension-base';
import { IMyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionProps, IMyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionState } from '../MyTeamAdaptiveCardExtension';
export interface ISuccessViewData {
    subTitle: string;
    title: string;
    description: string;
export class SuccessView extends BaseAdaptiveCardView<
    IMyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionState, ISuccessViewData> {
    public get data(): ISuccessViewData {
        return {
            subTitle: `Block Sign-In is successfully done!!`,
            title: `User : ${this.state.currentConfig.members[this.state.currentIndex].displayName} `,
            description: `${this.state.currentConfig.members[this.state.currentIndex].displayName} will not be able to sign in...`,

    public get template(): ISPFxAdaptiveCard {
        return {
            "schema": "",
            "type": "AdaptiveCard",
            "version": "1.2",
            "body": [
                    "type": "TextBlock",
                    "weight": "Bolder",
                    "text": "${title}"
                    "type": "ColumnSet",
                    "columns": [
                            "type": "Column",
                            "items": [
                                    "type": "TextBlock",
                                    "weight": "Bolder",
                                    "text": "${subTitle}",
                                    "wrap": true
                    "type": "TextBlock",
                    "text": "${description}",
                    "wrap": true
            "actions": [
                    "type": "Action.Submit",
                    "id": "close",
                    "title": "Close",
    public onAction(action: IActionArguments): void {
        if ( == "close") {

Error Quick View

Error quick view call when block sign-in process has not been successfully executed.

Create new file called “ErrorView.ts” at location “...\src\adaptiveCardExtensions\myTeam\quickView \”

Copy below code in the “ErrorView.ts” file.

import { ISPFxAdaptiveCard, BaseAdaptiveCardView, IActionArguments } from '@microsoft/sp-adaptive-card-extension-base';
import { IMyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionProps, IMyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionState } from '../MyTeamAdaptiveCardExtension';
export interface IErrorViewData {
    subTitle: string;
    title: string;
    description: string;
export class ErrorView extends BaseAdaptiveCardView<
    IMyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionState, IErrorViewData> {
    public get data(): IErrorViewData {
        return {
            subTitle: "Error Occured while blocking user...",
            title: `User : ${this.state.currentConfig.members[this.state.currentIndex].displayName} `,
            description: "Authorization_RequestDenied : Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.",

    public get template(): ISPFxAdaptiveCard {
        return {
            "schema": "",
            "type": "AdaptiveCard",
            "version": "1.2",
            "body": [
                    "type": "TextBlock",
                    "weight": "Bolder",
                    "text": "${title}"
                    "type": "ColumnSet",
                    "columns": [
                            "type": "Column",
                            "items": [
                                    "type": "TextBlock",
                                    "weight": "Bolder",
                                    "text": "${subTitle}",
                                    "wrap": true
                    "type": "TextBlock",
                    "text": "${description}",
                    "wrap": true
            "actions": [
                    "type": "Action.Submit",
                    "id": "close",
                    "title": "Close",
    public onAction(action: IActionArguments): void {
        if ( == "close") {

Quick View

Quick View is called when user acts on card view.

Open file “QuickView.ts” which is on location “...\src\adaptiveCardExtensions\myTeam\quickView \”

Copy the below code and paste it into that file.

import { ISPFxAdaptiveCard, BaseAdaptiveCardView, IActionArguments } from '@microsoft/sp-adaptive-card-extension-base';
import * as strings from 'MyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionStrings';
import { IMyTeam } from '../../../models/models';
import { IMyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionProps, IMyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionState,ERROR_VIEW_REGISTRY_ID,SUCCESS_VIEW_REGISTRY_ID} from '../MyTeamAdaptiveCardExtension';
export interface IQuickViewData {
  subTitle: string;
  title: string;
  description: string;
  item: IMyTeam;

export class QuickView extends BaseAdaptiveCardView<
> {
  public get data(): IQuickViewData {
    return {
      subTitle: strings.SubTitle,
      title: strings.Title,
      item: this.state.currentConfig.members[this.state.currentIndex]

  public get template(): ISPFxAdaptiveCard {
    return {
      "type": "AdaptiveCard",
      "version": "1.2",
      "body": [
          "type": "Container",
          "$data": "${item}",
          "items": [
              "type": "TextBlock",
              "weight": "Bolder",
              "text": "Display Name: ${displayName}",
              "color": "attention"
              "type": "Container",
              "spacing": "Small",
              "items": [
                  "type": "TextBlock",
                  "text": "Surname: ${surname}",
                  "spacing": "Small"
                  "type": "TextBlock",
                  "text": "Given Name: ${givenName}",
                  "spacing": "Small"
                  "type": "TextBlock",
                  "text": "Mail: ${mail}",
                  "spacing": "Small",
                  "color": "good",
          "separator": true
      "actions": [
          "type": "Action.Submit",
          "id": "close",
          "title": "Close",
          "type": "Action.Submit",
          "id": "Block",
          "title": "Block Sign-In",
          "type": "Action.Submit",
          "id": "Error",
          "title": "Generate Error",
      "$schema": ""
    //return require('./template/QuickViewTemplate.json');

  public onAction(action: IActionArguments): void {
    if ( == "close") {
    if ( == "Block") {
      setTimeout(async () => {
        await this.state.service.BlockSignIn(this.state.currentConfig.members[this.state.currentIndex].userPrincipalName)
          .then((res) => {
              // Push Error card to quick view navigator
          }).catch((error) => {
            alert("Something went wrong");
      }, 0);
    if( == 'Error'){

Create index.ts file at location “...\src\adaptiveCardExtensions\myTeam\quickView \” and pase below code in that.

export * from "./ErrorView";
export * from "./QuickView";
export * from "./SuccessView";

The structure would be as below.

Modify default Card View

Open “Cardview.ts” file from location “..src\adaptiveCardExtensions\myTeam\cardView” and copy below code in that file.

import {
} from '@microsoft/sp-adaptive-card-extension-base';
import * as strings from 'MyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionStrings';
import { IMyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionProps, IMyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionState, QUICK_VIEW_REGISTRY_ID } from '../MyTeamAdaptiveCardExtension';

export class CardView extends BaseBasicCardView<IMyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionProps, IMyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionState> {
   * Add multiple button on card view
  public get cardButtons(): [ICardButton] | [ICardButton, ICardButton] | undefined {
    const buttons: ICardButton[] = [];
    if (this.state.currentIndex > 0) {
        title: 'Previous',
        action: {
          type: 'Submit',
          parameters: {
            id: 'previous',
            op: -1

    if (this.state.currentIndex < this.state.currentConfig.members.length - 1) {
        title: 'Next',
        action: {
          type: 'Submit',
          parameters: {
            id: 'next',
            op: 1 // Increment the index
    return buttons as [ICardButton] | [ICardButton, ICardButton];
  * Handle action when user click on card view
  * @param action 
  public onAction(action: IActionArguments): void {
    if (action.type === 'Submit') {
      const { id, op } =;
      switch (id) {
        case 'previous':
        case 'next':
          this.setState({ currentIndex: this.state.currentIndex + op });

   * get Data and display it in Card View
  public get data(): IBasicCardParameters {
    const { mail,displayName } = this.state.currentConfig.members[this.state.currentIndex];
    return {
      primaryText: `Display Name: ${displayName} | mail: ${mail}`, 

   * Call Quick View
  public get onCardSelection(): IQuickViewCardAction | IExternalLinkCardAction | undefined {
    return {
      type: 'QuickView',
      parameters: {

Modify Adaptive Card Extension File

Open file “MyTeamAdaptiveCardExtension.ts” file at location “..src\adaptiveCardExtensions\myTeam”.

Copy the below code and paste it Inf the file “MyTeamAdaptiveCardExtension.ts”.

import { IPropertyPaneConfiguration } from '@microsoft/sp-property-pane';
import { BaseAdaptiveCardExtension } from '@microsoft/sp-adaptive-card-extension-base';
import { CardView } from './cardView/CardView';
import { QuickView,ErrorView,SuccessView } from "./quickView/index";
import { MyTeamPropertyPane } from './MyTeamPropertyPane';
import { IConfig } from "../../models/models";
import { Service } from "../../services/service";
import { Logger, LogLevel } from '@pnp/logging/logger';
import { ConsoleListener } from '@pnp/logging/listeners';
import { graph } from '@pnp/graph';
import { MSGraphClient } from "@microsoft/sp-http";

export interface IMyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionProps {
  title: string;
  description: string;
  iconProperty: string;

 * Add state property to handle multiple items in Card View
export interface IMyTeamAdaptiveCardExtensionState {
  currentConfig: IConfig;
  service: Service;

 * Initlize Register ID for Quick View and Card View.
const CARD_VIEW_REGISTRY_ID: string = 'MyTeam_CARD_VIEW';
export const QUICK_VIEW_REGISTRY_ID: string = 'MyTeam_QUICK_VIEW';
export const ERROR_VIEW_REGISTRY_ID: string = 'MyTeam_ERROR_VIEW';
export const SUCCESS_VIEW_REGISTRY_ID:string = 'MyTeam_SUCCESS_VIEW';

export default class MyTeamAdaptiveCardExtension extends BaseAdaptiveCardExtension<
> {
  // Private variables
  private LOG_SOURCE: string = "🔶MyTeamAdaptiveCardExtension";
  private _deferredPropertyPane: MyTeamPropertyPane | undefined;
  private service: Service = new Service();
  private _client = MSGraphClient;

  /** onInit functiont get records and store it in config file. */
   * Inilize service and it's method to use in quick view and card view
   * @returns 
  public async onInit(): Promise<void> {
    Logger.subscribe(new ConsoleListener());
    Logger.activeLogLevel = LogLevel.Info;
    try {
      graph.setup({ spfxContext: this.context });
      const client = await this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient();
      await this.service.Init(client);
      this.state = {
        currentConfig: this.service.Config,
    } catch (error) {
      Logger.write(`${this.LOG_SOURCE} (_directReportsToMe) - ${error} - `, LogLevel.Error);

    // Register CardView and QuickView to Card navigator and quick view navigator.
    this.cardNavigator.register(CARD_VIEW_REGISTRY_ID, () => new CardView());
    this.quickViewNavigator.register(QUICK_VIEW_REGISTRY_ID, () => new QuickView());
    this.quickViewNavigator.register(ERROR_VIEW_REGISTRY_ID, () => new ErrorView());
    this.quickViewNavigator.register(SUCCESS_VIEW_REGISTRY_ID, () => new SuccessView());
    return Promise.resolve();

  public get title(): string {

  protected get iconProperty(): string {
    return || require('./assets/microsoft-teams.svg');

  protected loadPropertyPaneResources(): Promise<void> {
    return import(
      /* webpackChunkName: 'MyTeam-property-pane'*/
        (component) => {
          this._deferredPropertyPane = new component.MyTeamPropertyPane();

  protected renderCard(): string | undefined {

  protected getPropertyPaneConfiguration(): IPropertyPaneConfiguration {
    return this._deferredPropertyPane!.getPropertyPaneConfiguration();


Open a terminal and run the below command

gulp serve -l

Open URL: and select webpart from Dashboard group.

Block Sign-In User In M365 Using Viva Dashboard

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