In this article I will explain about Blob storage and uploading files with it with the Azure functions app. Before getting into procedure let’s see an overview about function apps. Azure functions is a solution for running small lines of code or the functions in the Cloud & we can select the programming languages, as per our desire. We can build the codes that we need at a small level, so that we need not worry about the whole application for running it. Azure functions Applications let us develop Serverless Applications.
- An active Azure subscription
- Microsoft Azure storage explorer.
Creating azure function application
Step 1
Login to Azure portal.
Step 2
Click New->Compute->Function app.
Step 3
Now, we need to provide the requirements given below for Functions app.
- We need to provide an app name for Function app with the unique name.
- Create a resource group and provide a name for your resource group.
- The hosting part consists of consumption plan & app Service plan.
- The consumption plan is default plan, but when we choose the consumption plan; we need to choose the location.
- In concept of app Service plan; we need to create an app plan +location. It defines the location and features with cost with the sources with the app.
- The storage account has to be configured, so that we can either choose the existing storage or we can create a new storage account.
Step 4
Click Create to deploy Function app.
Step 5
Now for creating a blob function, we need to create a function in new function application.
Step 6
In the function app expand the function app and select + button in the functions, and select the scenario with the desired programming language, since I have selected javascript of my desire you can select the programming template of your own and click->custom functions for view of complete set of function templates of it.
Step 7
select->Blob trigger with the desired programming language template.
![Blob trigger]()
Step 8
The name of the function with blob name and storage account connections will be set as default & click->create for creating the function.
![Blob trigger]()
Step 9
select->integrate and click for expanding the documentation and make note down of both account name and the account key so that we can use them in the azure storage explorer.
![Azure Storage Account]()
Step 10
Now run the Azure storage explorer and select-> use a storage account name &key and click->next
Step 11
Now note down the details of both account names and the key that is copied from the function documentation and click->next.
Step 12
click->connect and now we need to create a new blob storage, for that expand the storage account and click->create blob rename the blob storage and press enter.
![create blog connector]()
Step 13
The blob storage is set and we can upload the file to the storage.
Step 14
Click-> upload in storage explorer and click->upload files and select the type of the file you want to upload and click->upload.
![Azure storage explorer]()
![Azure storage explorer]()
Step 15
Now we have successfully uploaded a file to the blob storage using functions application.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day