Better Understanding Of AngularJS, ReactJS And NodeJS


We all know that we are in the next generation of JavaScript, where we are getting everything customized as per user requirements. For the same thing, we have Angular JS, React JS, and Node JS. These are the three most useful programming languages of recent years. Here is the overview of Angular JS, React JS, and Node JS.

Angular JS

Some of Angular developers developed Angular JS with the primary purpose of addressing single page application creation challenges. Angular JS works with the MVC platform, where it simplifies development by providing a reliable solution. Angular JS follows some guidelines, like Angular data binding. In Angular, the Model and the View are linked to allow automatic data synchronization between the two. 
In Angular JS, any changes to the View are instantly propagated on to the Model and vice-versa. This property makes Angular app development less demanding as the programming model is simplified for the coder. Angular modular development is used for building modular rich client-side applications that are well structured. Modules are created in separate JS files and are essential in separation of logic. They play a vital role in keeping the code organized. Examples of Angular JS Modules include Controllers, Applications and Services. Every part of the application is kept in a separate container to keep the code clean.
Let’s discuss with an Example (Create an expression in Angular).
  1. <html>    
  2.     <head>    
  3.     <script src=””>    
  4.     </script>    
  5.     </head>    
  6.     <body>    
  7.         <div ng-app>    
  8.         <p> Expression {{10+10}} </p>    
  9.         </div>    
  10.     </body>    
  11. </html>   
Angular code creates a module. Here, we can define <div ng-app=”myApp”> … </div>
And can add script: var app = angular.module(“myApp”, []);
For more, visit here.

React JS

Again, a revolutionary platform! It provides us a high-performance client and server-side rendering with a one-way flow for data binding, This is my favorite technology. When I work on this, I feel like I'm flying in the sky. React JS is based on building reusable components of the code base which make an app very lightweight, more of a library that makes it quite easy to work with. I think React is more of a library than a framework. It can best be described as an application view that allows the programmer to utilize reusable components again and again. It is composed of its own React libraries, tools, and solutions that developers can use to build their own JS framework. 
See the code
See the benefits in the above table and read more about react JS.

Node JS

This is the platform where I’ve not worked a lot, but this is the time when I am learning Node JS. It is a JS runtime platform powered by Google Chrome V8 JavaScript Engine. Node JS can be described as JavaScript that has been given the ability to run on the computer, instead of the browser, like normal JS. This is made possible by the V8 JavaScript runtime engine. 
Based on a modular architecture, Node JS simplifies the development of complex applications. It works on an event-driven non-blocking I/O model and is adapted for developing server-side applications in JavaScript. It allows you to build utilities that you can concatenate and create JavaScript files with, on your machine.
See the code
See the benefits of Node JS in the above list. Also,  read more about NodeJS.


So, there are 3 different tools, bound by their common dependence on JavaScript. Start working with these tools and learn as much as you can.

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