Better Exception Handling in Visual Studio 2005

Better exception handling is one more nice feature in Visual Studio 2005. You remember the exception dialog in prior versions of Visual Studio which used to popup whenever an exception was occurred when you were compiling and debugging the code.

Now the exception dialog is pretty neat. Its a modeless dialog which means you can keep working without getting rid of this dialog. Besides this, it is transparent and you can move it wherever you want. So when you are debugging and exception occurs, you can put it in a corner and keep doing your work.

In my code, an exception occurred and this is how the exception dialog looks like:









Figure 1. Exception dialog.

I move the dialog and now it looks like the following:

Figure 1. Exception dialog after move.

You can click on View Details link to see more details about the exception.

Besides the exception error, this dialog also shows you the tips and help topics related to that error. You can simply click on these links to learn more about these errors.

I personally am not fond of pink color ;) but its a pretty cool new feature in Visual Studio 2005.

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