Benefits of Temporary Tables over Table Variables in SQL Server


In the realm of SQL Server database management, developers often encounter scenarios where they need to store temporary data for the duration of a session or a query. Two common options for achieving this are temporary tables and table variables. While both serve similar purposes, they have distinct differences that make one more suitable than the other in various situations. In this article, we'll delve into the advantages of using temporary tables over table variables in SQL Server.

Understanding Temporary Tables and Table Variables

Before diving into the comparison, let's briefly define each concept:

  1. Temporary Tables: Temporary tables are created within the tempdb system database. They are visible only to the session that creates them and are automatically dropped when the session ends or when the user explicitly drops them. Temporary tables are created using the CREATE TABLE syntax preceded by a single hash (#) sign for local temporary tables or a double hash (##) sign for global temporary tables.
  2. Table Variables: Table variables are variables that hold a result set for later processing. They are declared using the DECLARE keyword and are scoped to the batch, stored procedure, or function in which they are declared. Unlike temporary tables, table variables are not stored in tempdb and are always destroyed when the scope that declares them exits.

Advantages of Temporary Tables

  1. Performance Optimization: Temporary tables often offer better performance compared to table variables, especially for large datasets. SQL Server's query optimizer can create more accurate execution plans for temporary tables, resulting in faster query processing. Temporary tables benefit from statistics, indexes, and parallel execution plans, which can significantly enhance query performance.
  2. Scalability: Temporary tables can handle larger datasets more efficiently than table variables. Since temporary tables are stored in tempdb, which can utilize multiple disk arrays and processors, they can better scale to handle increased data volumes and concurrent user requests.
  3. Complex Data Manipulation: Temporary tables allow for more complex data manipulation operations. They support features such as altering table structure, adding indexes, and joining with other tables. These capabilities make temporary tables suitable for scenarios where extensive data transformation or aggregation is required.
  4. Reduced Recompilations: Table variables can lead to increased query recompilations due to their inherent nature of being treated as a single-row table with unknown statistics. This can negatively impact performance, especially in complex queries or stored procedures. In contrast, temporary tables maintain statistics, reducing the likelihood of recompilations and improving query plan stability.

When to Use Table Variables?

While temporary tables offer several advantages, table variables have their place in certain scenarios:

  • Small Result Sets: Table variables are suitable for storing small result sets, especially when performance overhead is not a concern.
  • Minimal Data Manipulation: If the data manipulation requirements are minimal and the dataset is small, table variables can be a simpler and more lightweight option.


While both temporary tables and table variables serve the purpose of storing temporary data in SQL Server, temporary tables offer superior performance, scalability, and flexibility for handling larger datasets and complex data manipulation tasks. By leveraging temporary tables effectively, developers can optimize query performance and improve the overall efficiency of database operations. However, it's essential to assess the specific requirements of each scenario and choose the appropriate option based on factors such as data volume, query complexity, and performance considerations.

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