Become A Good Citizen Of C# Corner

C# Corner was founded as a community of developers by developers. Community is a place where a group of people come together to achieve a single goal in mind. C# Corner community is all about stay true, stay real, become a good programmer, and a good person in general.
A community member should behave within the boundaries of the community. Here are some of the rules to become a good citizen.
  1. Be polite. Be nice. Be professional.

  2. Complete your profile – Your profile represents you on an international level to millions of people. To be a good citizen, you must complete your profile with correct information including your photo, location, birth date, education, and experience. This information will also help us to inform you from time to time. For example, we may be doing an event in your local city and if you provide us your city, we will send you a notification. Another example is, we will send you a Happy Birthday card on your birthday.

  3. Upload recent profile photo – Make sure your profile photo is update with a recent photograph so community members know how you look like.

  4. Get engaged - If you like or dislike an article, blog, or news, try to engage with it by liking or posting your comments. Not only it motivates authors, but it also helps them and us to improve the quality of the content as well as the platform. If you disagree with something, be courteous with your words.

  5. Share - If you like something, spread the word. More people know about something useful, more people will get benefit from it. Share on your Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

  6. Don’t SPAM – No excuses. Never share your information in public platform.
Here are some articles, I highly recommend to all C# Corner members: 

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    C# Corner started as an online community for software developers in 1999.