Let’s start with a series called ‘Learn React-Native’. Sound familiar ?
I believe in the past few years Javascript has shifted gears from jquery to Angular, React, and D3 and it's still growing.
Here we will understand and learn what React-Native is
React-native is a mobile apps building framework using only Javascript. It uses the same design as React, letting you utilize/include a rich mobile UI library/ declarative components.
It uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps.
The best part of using react-native is to allow/adopt components written in Objective-C, Java, or Swift.
Let’s have a quick pictorial view of React vs React Native, though in this article, I am not talking about the basics of React:
![pictorial view]()
How a React component is rendered to its client (WEB Or Mobile Interface) is using respective frameworks.
Since React-Native is open source, following is the github repo,
React-Native Basics
Code written in React-Native uses Javascript but is composed in .jsx file which turns/compiles into native classes. Lets see a pictorial representation.
Requirements/Pre-requisites for React-Native,
- Node
- Xcode
Node comes with npm, which lets you install the React Native command line interface.
npm install -g react-native-cli
If you get a permission error, try with sudo,
sudo npm install -g react-native-cli
Create your first ReactNnative project
react-native init firstap
cd firstap
After executing the above commands, you should see directory structure as shown in the following picture.
Execute the following command in the terminal to run your first react-native ios app
react-native run-ios
Open this project in xcode and run the application.
If you have successfully run the app, let's try to modify it and see action in liveit live in action.
Open index.ios.js in your text editor of choice and edit some lines. Hit Command + R in your iOS Simulator to reload the app and see your change.
You will see the immediate impact on your app. This is called hot reloading. No re-compile.
Congratulations! You've successfully run and modified your first React-Native app.
In the next article we will talk more about different types of components and more code in action.