In this article we will go step by step to Create, Remove, Name Reserved (or not) and run the Web App using Azure PowerShell on Microsoft Azure.
You will learn
- About PowerShell Tool
- How to Create Web App using PowerShell
- How to Remove Web App using PowerShell
- Check Web App Name reserved or not
- Run Web App using PowerShell command
Step 1: Install PowerShell on System.
Step 2: After installation, Open search box and search for Windows PowerShell,
There are two type of Windows PowerShell available:
- Windows PowerShell – Command Line
- Windows PowerShell – Execute the PowerShell script such as .ps file. GUI version of Windows PowerShell.
Windows PowerShell ISE version
Step 3: Add Azure Subscription with PowerShell,
Enter your Azure Subscription credentials.
Few more commands for Azure account details.
List all the associate Azure Subscription with Id, Type, Subscriptions and Tenants,
List all the associate Azure Subscriptions with all details such as SubscriptionId, SubscriptionName, Account, etc.
If there is only one subscription associate no problem but if more than one Azure account is there we need to set default azure accounts for all operations.
Select-AzureSubscription –SubscriptionId “paste-subscription-id-here”
Check for default subscription
Get-AzureSubscription -Default
Step 4: Create New Web App
New-AzureWebsite PowerShellWebApp01
There is one problem; by default web app will create in “Southeast Asia” so we need to add location command when we are creating the web app.
Classic Portal
Azure Portal
Step 5:
New-AzureWebsite PowerShellWebApp01 -Location “West US”
Remove Web App
Remove-AzureWebsite -Name WebAppName
Ex. Remove-AzureWebsite -Name PowerShellWebApp01
Check for Web Apps Name available or not run below command
Test-AzureName -Website PowerShellWebApp01
True means this name is already used
False means this name is available for creating new web apps
Open web app on browser
Show-AzureWebsite WebAppNameOnly
Ex. Show-AzureWebsite PowerShellWebApp01
Congratulations you have learned PowerShell command with Web App on Azure!
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