Azure Functions - Creation in Simple Steps


Deploying an Azure function is quite simple but tricky at the same time; in this article, we will see how to deploy an Azure function in simple steps.

Step 1. Sign in to the Azure portal

If you are new and unaware of Azure, you can always try the free tier, experience Azure, and know which plan suits you best.

You have to sign into Azure using credentials.

Azure functions

Step 2. Click on the search bar above the home page and search for Azure functions, now click create azure function,

later click on Create button, and you will land on a new page where it asks the information about the Azure functions.

Azure functions

Provide information like the resource group subscription based on your usage, select the region, and plan. Also, dont forget to choose the hosting plan for your function which is being created.

Step 3. Also, dont forget to Configure additional settings such as operating system, runtime version, and application insights. Set these based on your requirements.

Azure functions

Step 4. Now click on Review plus Create at the bottom of the screen, promptly look and verify the info you provided earlier is accurate.

Once it is finished, continue to click on Review + Create. This triggers your Azure function creation, wait for some time, and the resource will be created.

Azure functions

Step 5. you have successfully created your Azure function; check the notification icon on the top right and see if it says deployment successful. Have fun exploring your Azure function.

Azure functions


In this article, we have created an Azure function which is a serverless solution, and here you can deploy apps using the service which you have created.

All the best; I hope this helps.

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