Before reading this article, please read the previous article of this series.
Azure DevOps Repos
Azure DevOps repos are a set of repositories that allow you to version control and manage your project code. It helps to work and coordinate code changes across your team. It will allow you to monitor code, solutions, builds, commits, pushes, PRs (Pull requests), and branching information about projects. You can connect project solutions by using the Repos link as shown in the below steps.
In Files, your project solutions will be available in this section. Repositories can create, manage, and import the solutions. Now we’ll see how to upload new solutions in Azure DevOps repos.
- Creating New Project in Visual Studio 2017
- Steps to push code from local to Azure DevOps repos.
Now create a new project in Visual Studio 2017.
![Visual Studio 2017]()
Now select the default MVC default template and click on OK.
![MVC default template]()
Once your project is created, build and run it locally by using Visual Studio. Make sure your project has zero build errors and warnings.
![Errors and warnings]()
Right-click on the solution and click on Add solution to source control. Now go to your Azure DevOps portal and Azure repo files.
![Add solution]()
- git remote add origin https://[email protected]/NewOraganization/NewProjectinAgile/_git/NewProjectinAgile.
- git push -u origin --all
Now go to Visual Studio open the package manager console and paste the above command lines one by one. Then local repository code will be pushed to Azure repo files.
![Azure repo files]()
In the commits section, we can manage the commits history for your repositories with authors' details from branches.
Push histories are available in this section from each Pull request done by the developers.
![Pull requests]()
We can manage multiple branching information in this section. You can create your release branches from master to Dev, QA & Prod environments, and also users (employees) branching information available in this section.
![Branching information]()
Tags are used to point out specific commits, like giving message tags and data information to branches. You can create your naming conventions for branches by using commit tags.
![Commit tags]()
Happy coding!