Azure CLI Commands

In this article, we will learn about Azure CLI Commands, which every developer must know.

So, Let's get started.

Please refer to my previous article,

Please Note. All Images were taken from Google.

Resource Management

Resource Management

Log in to your Azure account az login
List all available Azure subscriptions az account list
Delete a resource group

az group delete

--name "rsg-name"



Create a new virtual machine

az vm create

--rsg "rsg-name"

--name "vm-name"

--image "UbuntuLTS"

--location "region"

--admin-username "username"


List all virtual machines az vm list
Start a virtual machine

az vm start

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "vm-name"

Stop a virtual machine

az vm stop

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "vm-name"

Delete a virtual machine

az vm delete

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "vm-name"

Create a new virtual machine scale set

az vmss create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "vmss-name"

--image "UbuntuLTS"

--location "region"

--admin-username "username"


--upgrade-policy-mode "automatic"

--instance-count "3"

List all virtual machine scale sets az vmss list



Create a new storage account

az storage account create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "account-name"

--location "region"

--sku "Standard_LRS"

List all virtual machine scale sets az storage account list
Create a new blob container

az storage container create

--name "container-name"

--account-name "account-name"

--account-key "account-key"

List all blob containers

az storage container list

--account-name "account-name"

--account-key "account-key"

Upload a file to a blob container

az storage blob upload

--account-name "account-name"

--account-key "account-key"

--container-name "container-name"

--type block --name "blob-name"

--file "local-file-path"



Create a new virtual network

az network vnet create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

-- name "vnet-name"

--location "region"

--address-prefix ""

Create a new subnet

az network vnet subnet create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--vnet-name "vnet-name"

--name "subnet-name"

--address-prefix ""

Create a new public IP address

az network public-ip create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "public-ip-name"

--location "region"

List all subnets

az network vnet subnet list

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--vnet-name "vnet-name"

List all virtual networks az network vnet list
List all public IP addresses az network public-ip list
Create a new network security group

az network nsg create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "nsg-name"

--location "region"

List all network security groups az network nsg list
Create a new network security rule

az network nsg rule create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--nsg-name "nsg-name"

--name "rule-name"

--priority 100

--source-address-prefixes ""

--destination-port-ranges "80"

--access "Allow"

--protocol "Tcp"

--description "Allow HTTP traffic"

List all network security rules

az network nsg rule list

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--nsg-name "nsg-name"

Web Apps

Web Apps

Create a new web app

az webapp create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "web-app-name"

--plan "app-service-plan-name"

List all web apps az webapp list
Get the default host name of a web app

az webapp show

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "web-app-name"

--query "defaultHostName"

Start a web app

az webapp start

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "web-app-name"

Stop a web app

az webapp stop

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "web-app-name"

Set a web app to use 64 bit platform

az webapp config set

--name "web-app-name"

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--use-32bit-worker-process false

Set a web app to always be on

az webapp config set

--name "web-app-name"

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--always-on true

Create a new deployment slot

az webapp deployment slot create

--name "web-app-name"

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--slot "slot-name"

List all deployment slots

az webapp deployment slot list

--name "web-app-name"

--resource-group "rsg-name"

Swap two deployment slots

az webapp deployment slot swap

--name "web-app-name"

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--slot "slot-name"

--target-slot "target-slot-name"

Deploy code to a web app from a Git repository

az webapp deployment source config

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "name"

--repo-url "url"

--branch "name"



Create a new Azure SQL Database server

az sql server create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "server-name"

--location "region"

--admin-user "username"

--admin-password "password"

List all Azure SQL Database servers az sql server list
Create a new Azure SQL Database

az sql db create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--server "server-name"

--name "database-name"

--edition "Standard"

--performance-level "S0"

List all Azure SQL Databases

az sql db list

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--server "server-name"

Create a new Azure Cosmos DB account

az cosmosdb create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "account-name"

--kind "GlobalDocumentDB"

--locations "regionName=region"

--default-consistency-level "Session"

List all Azure Cosmos DB accounts az cosmosdb list
Create a new Azure Database for PostgreSQL server

az postgres server create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "server-name"

--location "region"

--admin-user "username"

--admin-password "password"

--sku-name "B_Gen5_1"

--version "11"

List all Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers az sql server list
Create a new Azure Database for MySQL server

az mysql server create

--resource-group "rsg-name

List all Azure Database for MySQL servers az mysql server list
Create a new Azure Database for the MariaDB server

az mariadb server create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "server-name"

--location "region"

--admin-user "username"

--admin-password "password"

--sku-name "B_Gen5_1"

--version "10.4"

List all Azure Database for MariaDB servers az mariadb server list
Create a new Azure Cache for the Redis instance

az redis create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "redis-name"

--location "region"

--sku "Basic"

--vm-size "C0"

List all Azure Cache for Redis instances az redis list

Monitoring and Management

Monitoring and Management

Get the status of all resources in a resource group

az resource list

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--output table

Monitor the metrics of a resource

az monitor metrics list

--resource "resource-id"

--metric "Percentage CPU"

--interval "PT1H"

Get the activity log for a resource group

az monitor activity-log list

--resource-group "rsg-name"

Create an alert rule

az monitor metrics alert create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "alert-rule-name"

--resource "resource-id"

--condition "avg Percentage CPU > 80"

List all alert rules

az monitor metrics alert list

--resource-group "rsg-name"



Create a new Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster

az aks create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "aks-cluster-name"

--node-count 3


List all AKS clusters az aks list
Get the credentials of an AKS cluster

az aks get-credentials

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "aks-cluster-name"

Scale an AKS cluster

az aks scale

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "aks-cluster-name"

--node-count 5

Update the version of an AKS cluster

az aks upgrade

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "aks-cluster-name"

--kubernetes-version "1.20.5"

Create a new Azure Container Instance

az container create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "container-instance-name"

--image "microsoft/aci-helloworld"

--dns-name-label "dns-namelabel"

--ports 80

List all Azure Container Instances az container list
Get the logs of an Azure Container Instance

az container logs

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "container-instance-name"

Get the events of an Azure Container Instance

az container show

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "container-instance-name"

--query "events"

Delete an Azure Container Instance

az container delete

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "container-instance-name"

Azure Functions

Azure Functions

Create a function app

az functionapp create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "functionapp-name"

--storage-account "storageaccount-name"

--consumption-plan-location "location"

List function apps az functionapp list
Delete a function app

az functionapp delete

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "functionapp-name"

Azure Logic Apps

Azure Logic Apps

Create a logic app

az logic workflow create

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "workflow-name"

--location "location"

--definition @"definition.json"

List logic apps

az logic workflow list

--resource-group "rsg-name"

Delete a logic app

az logic workflow delete

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--name "workflow-name"

Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps

Create a project

az devops project create

--name "project-name"

List projects az devops project list
Delete a project

az devops project delete

--id "project-id"

Create a service endpoint

az devops service-endpoint azurerm create

--azure-rm-service-principal-id "service-principal-id"

--azure-rm-subscription-id "subscription-id"

--azure-rm-subscription-name "subscription-name"

--azure-rm-tenant-id "tenant-id"

Azure Key Vault

Azure Key Vault

Create a key vault

az keyvault create

--name "keyvault-name"

--resource-group "rsg-name"

--location "location"

List key vaults az keyvault list
Delete a key vault

az keyvault delete

--name "keyvault-name"

Set a secret in a key vault

az keyvault secret set

--vault-name "keyvault-name"

--name "secret-name"

--value "secret-value"

Get a secret from a key vault

az keyvault secret show

--name "secret-name"

--vault-name "keyvault-name"


In this article, I have tried to cover some of the important Azure CLI Commands.

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