Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine

In this article, we are going to learn how to create a virtual machine by using EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) in AWS. 

Step 1

Login into AWS account here.

Go to Compute and then click on EC2,

Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 

Step 2

Click on the Launch Instance button in the EC2 console.
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 

Step 3

Based on the requirement we need to select the VM template which is available in the below screen. For this tutorial, we are selecting “Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Base”.
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 

Step 4

Choose the Instance type according to AWS, its combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity, so you can choose the appropriate mix for your applications.
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 

Step 5

Select General purpose Instance Type and then click on Next: Configure Instance Details.
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 

Step 6

Click on Next: Add Storage.
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 

Step 7

Follow the previous tabs and then click on the other tabs like Add Storage, Add Tags, Configure Security Group, and Reviews.
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 

Step 8

Click on "Review Instance Launch" button and then hit the "Launch" button.
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 

Step 9

The key pair is needed to connect the virtual machine if you have created already chosen from the drop-down; otherwise, choose "Create a new key pair."

Enter the name in the Key pair name then click on Download Key Pair button.

Save the key pair .pem file in local machine and then click on LaunchInstances button.

Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 

Step 10

To know more about the status of the VM, click on the View Instances button.
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 

Step 11

Click on the Connect button to start the VM.
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 

Step 12

In order to connect VM, we need to generate a password. Username has defaulted to Administrator.
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 

Step 13

Click on the Get Password button then select the Key pair .pem file which was downloaded earlier.
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 

Step 14

Click on Decrypt Password button and it will give you the plain text password to connect the VM.
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 

Step 15

Click on the Download Remote Desktop File, and open the file once it's downloaded.

Enter username and password then connect VM by using Windows RDP.

Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine 
Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine

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