Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

In this article, we’ll learn about Azure App Service and then use the Azure Web App Service to create a web app for Node.js in a Linux environment. This article is a part of the Azure App Service article series. This is the first article of the series.

  1. Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App
  2. Azure App Service - Implementing Node.js Web App

Azure App Service

Azure App Service is one of the service offerings of Microsoft Azure which enables creation of enterprise level applications for web and mobile for different devices and platforms with support of scalability, availability and numerous other benefits of the cloud infrastructure. The App Service makes it extremely convenient to build applications and APIs in cloud platform of Azure.


Node.js enables the development of highly scalable applications on the JavaScript runtime environment and is completely open-source and functions cross-platform throughout various operating systems.

Now, let us learn step-by-step to create a node.js web app in Azure.

Step 1

Login to the Azure Portal. The welcome page will look similar to the one here.

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

Step 2

Now, Click on Create a Resource.

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

Step 3

Under the Create a Resource page, select the Web under the Categories.

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

Now, the Web App option will show up. Click on Create under the Web App.

Step 4

We are now taken to the Web App creation page with the details to be filled.

Step 5

First of all, select Resource Group. If you don’t have one, click on Create new.

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

Step 6

Next, name your instance. Here, I’ve named it ojashnodewebapp.

This will later create a sub-domain in the name of the instance under Azure websites making it accessible to view the web app as

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

Following it, select Code under Publish and Node 14 TS as the Runtime Stack.

Also, select Linux as the Operation system.

You can choose the Region as per your convenience.

Step 7

Now, select the Linux Plan or Create new if you don’t have one.

Step 8

Under Sku and Size, a premium version will be select. However, we don't require that right now, thus we’ll change it.

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

Click on Change Size.

Here, we can see, we were opting for the Production workloads. This will be essential when we are doing a real-world project. But for learning alone, we can use a free version instead of the one that would cost over $80 a month.

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

Step 9

Select the Dev/ Test Tab and choose the F1 tier which gives 1 GB memory and 60 minutes of compute per day for free.

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

Once, selected click on Apply.

Step 10

Now, we can see all the details filled and selected. Now, click on Review + Create.

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

Step 11

Next, Select the Create button under Review + Create.

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

With this, the deployments will initialize. We can see the updates on the notification bar.

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

Step 12

As the deployment process is running, we can see the update in the overview page.

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

Finally, as the deployment is complete, we’ll be updated about it and will have the access to check the web app through the Go to resource button.

Step 13

Thus, we have successfully created the Web App on Node.js runtime. We can view other details from the webapp page.

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App

You can now access the web app through the URL. Click on the newly created web app link.

We can paste this in our browser and view that the web app has been successfully created and is running.

Azure App Service - Creating Node.js Web App


Thus, in this article, we learnt to successfully create a web app in Azure. We setup a web app based on the Node.js runtime on a Linux OS. With this, we have access to explore more about the Azure App Service features and functionalities in the future. We’ll learn more about it in the upcoming article in this series.

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