Note: this article is published on 06/17/2024.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS) is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments on a metered, pay-as-you-go basis.
This series of articles will record one Single task for each. This article is to update a File document in the system.
AWS Management => My Apps to get the AWS Dashboard Page:
Click AWS:
![Apps Dashboard]()
or from AWS Management => Amazon Web Services (AWS) to get the AWS Login Page and Login with 2_ credential:
![Aws Management]()
Click the Project CA HCO:
Click Access keys:
Get credentials for AdministratorAccess --- this will not be used in the current task.
![Administration Access]()
Click Administrator Access:
Click the hanburg sign on the left top corner:
![console home]()
Search s3 => Click S:
to open the Amonzon S3 page => Click cahcon-installation-files
Click Provisioning:
Click GMCInspireDesigner:
Click Download:
Go back to the previous page => Upload the new file:
Upload completed:
Verify the change of the file:
Verify from the page: