Microsoft Fabric lets you create reusable and default Power BI semantic models to create reports in various ways in Power BI. This article describes how to create automatic reports through the semantic data model and you will also learn how to change the visuals created automatically.
Detailed steps to follow
Step 1. Launch Fabric and Select Power BI
Step 2. Select the workspace
![Power BI]()
Step 3. Select the appropriate workspace
Step 4. Select New
Step 5. Select Report
Step 6. Select "Pick a Published Data model"
![Data Model]()
Step 7. Select the Appropriate data hub
![Data Hub]()
Step 8. Click "Autocreate"
![Auto create]()
Step 9. See the automatically created Report
![Create report]()
To change the designed chart to a different Visual
Step 1. Click "Edit"
Step 2. Click "Continue"
![Edit mode]()
Step 3. Click any visual that you want to change. In my example, I have selected "Count of date by IsPaidTimeOff"
Step 4. Select the visual to change from the Visualization pane. I have selected "Card" visual.
Step 5. Now, you can see the changed visual
![Change visuals]()
Finally, we created a Power BI report from the Data hub within a few seconds and learned how to change the visual based on the need.