Automate Marriage Certificates with Azure Document Intelligence


This article explores how the Document Intelligence Marriage Certificate model leverages advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to analyze and extract essential fields from marriage certificates.

Document intelligence marriage certificate model

The Document Intelligence Marriage Certificate model leverages advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to analyze and extract essential fields from marriage certificates. These certificates may come in various formats and quality levels, including phone-captured images, scanned documents, and digital PDFs. The API processes the document text, retrieves key information such as spouse names, issue dates, and marriage places, and delivers a structured JSON data output. The model currently supports English-language documents.

Automated marriage certificate processing

Automated marriage certificate processing involves extracting key fields from marriage certificates. Traditionally, this analysis has been done manually, making it very time-consuming. Accurately extracting essential data from marriage certificates is usually the first and one of the most critical steps in automating this process.

Let's get started!


  • Azure Subscription
  • Azure Document Intelligence resource

Creation of Azure document intelligence

Click the Azure Document Intelligence option on the Azure Portal and then click the Create Document Intelligence button.

Click Azure document

Choose the Azure Subscription and then create a Resource Group named testRG.

Provide name as retaildoctest and select the pricing tier as Standard S0

Create document intelligence

Click the Review+Create button and the deployment will be started in a minute or two. It will become successful.

Click review and create button

Click the Go to Resource button and then click the Document Intelligence option.

It will be navigated to Document Intelligence in a new window, and click the Marriage Certificates option.

Click marriage certificate

In the Configure Service Resource window and then click Access By

Choose Resource from that option and select the subscription from the window.

Select Resource Group, select Document Intelligence resource, and Click the Continue button.

Click continue button

Click the Continue button, and finally, click the Finish button.

Click finish button

In the Prebuilt menu, choose the Marriage Certificates option and then click the Run Analysis button.

Click run analsis button

In the Fields section, DocType will be the marriage option, and the fields are extracted as IssueDate, MarriageDate, MarriagePlace, and Spouse1Address in the Prebuilt mode.

Spouse address

You will be able to extract fields like Spouse1Age, Spouse1BirthPlace, Spouse1FirstName, Spouse1LastName, and Spouse1MiddleName values.

Spouse middle name values

Spouse lastname

Finally, you can also extract fields like Spouse2Address, Spouse2Age, Spouse2BirthPlace, Spouse2FirstName, Spouse2LastName, and Spouse2MiddleName values in the Fields section.

Field section


In this article, we created and successfully learned the implementation of the Document Intelligence Marriage Certificate model leverages advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to analyze and extract essential fields from marriage certificates.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this article.

Happy Learning!!!

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