Auto Populate Logged In User Name In PowerApps Form


Most of the time there will be a requirement to auto-populate logged-in user names either in a single line of text column or a person or group column. This article has solutions for both :)

Step 1

Below is my list of employees with the column Emp Name which is a Single line of text and the Employee Name column which is Person or Group.

Auto Populate Logged In User Name in PowerApps Form

Auto Populate Logged In User Name in PowerApps Form

Step 2

Create a Customized form.

Step 3

Select the DataCard and unlock it as below to add the formulas.

Auto Populate Logged In User Name in PowerApps Form

Step 4

Connect the Office 365 Users Data source to the app.

Auto Populate Logged In User Name in PowerApps Form

Step 5

Select the input field of Emp Name (single line of text) and add the formula to the Default property

Office365.Users.UserProfile(User().Email).DisplayName or User().FullName

User() - Returns the detailed information of current user

User().Email - Returns the email address of current user

User().Fullname - Returns the full name of current user

Auto Populate Logged In User Name in PowerApps Form

Step 6

Select the input field of Employee Name (person or group) and add the formula to DefaultSelectedItems



Office365Users.SearchUser([Optional] string searchterm, [advanced] [Optional] integer top)

Name Type Summary Required
searchTerm string(Search term) Search string (applies to display name, given name, surname, mail, mail nickname, and user principal name). False
top integer(int32)(Top) Limit on the number of results to return. By default returns all entries. False

Auto Populate Logged In User Name in PowerApps Form

Refer to the link for syntax:


In this article, we have learned to auto-populate the currently logged-in user name in a single line of text column and person or group column.

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