Auditing Data Changes In Microsoft SQL Server


Tracking changes in data over time is a common problem, and deciding on your approach relies on answering the questions, such as “Do I want to track every field or just some fields?”, “Does it need to be ‘live’ or is it okay to detect changes within a period of time?”, and “What audit fields are available to me and what degree of tracking is needed (e.g. deletions vs. just updates)?”

In this article, I’ll examine four different approaches, diving into some implementation details with an emphasis on contrasting the differences - including performance benchmarking. I’ve made my test harness available on GitHub. Executing this T-SQL script will not only create all necessary objects to demonstrate all four solutions but output the performance numbers I will quote later, so you can check my work!

Motivation and Goals

The type of tracking I’m going to discuss is a general framework that’s largely transparent to applications – in some cases supported by the SQL engine itself. For example, you might have a requirement of: “I’m interested in knowing when any user changes some important data, including who did it, when, and what was the exact change.” The challenge is coming up with a way to apply this to one or more tables, without having your application know or care about the implementation of your auditing.

This is achievable, but some basic requirements apply to all solutions:

  1. You’ll need to track who last changed records.
  2. You’ll need to track when records were changed.

This is useful information even if you never keep a history of changes, and it’s common to see the “who” handled through a text field (e.g. LastUpdatedBy), and “when” through a DateTime (or datetime2) field (e.g. LastUpdatedDate). The names of the fields are less important than their function. LastUpdatedBy might be sourced from SUSER_SNAME() – but if you’re using forms authentication, you might prefer to use the application-maintained user ID. LastUpdatedDate might be sourced from GETDATE() or GETUTCDATE(), for example.

Several solutions expose history tables that sit behind an application’s audited tables (which I’ll refer to as base tables). The structure of the history tables might be similar to the base tables - with perhaps a few extra attributes to support auditing. Or we could construct a history tracking system that captures changes in a single log table where we record the table name, field name, old value, new value, etc. The single table approach is something I’ve generally steered away from for a few reasons:

  1. A “mimic” of the base table means when the business decides they want to track a field that was previously untracked, you may already have it. If you’re only writing out records at a field level, you have no way to “go back in time” to determine what the values were prior to the request to add the field. This may not be a big deal, but it’s a consideration.
  2. A “mimic” of the base table supports easy point-in-time queries. In this case, you could use such a point-in-time query to restore individual records, if you need to. Constructing a point-in-time picture of the base record using a single change table isn’t impossible (if you have all the necessary data) – but this can be difficult.
  3. The act of pivoting data, in this case, would make the penalty for logging potentially significantly higher if, for example, we had 10 of 20 fields we wanted to audit on a single table. We might presumably do this in a trigger which needs to perform 10 possible INSERT’s, instead of one that matches the shape of the row. In general, I favor solutions that minimize write penalty to base tables since the reading of history tends to be a rarer need. We can also optimize our history tables by only recording a subset of columns, where that makes sense.

If we accept that use of history tables with one row per version of all base records is a goal, then all four approaches I’ll look at either do that or a close variation.

It’s worth noting that I’ve also created a “pivoting” job that does turn one row per version into one row per field change of interest, based on a configuration table, making some application screens faster where the format matched exactly what users wanted to see. This job didn’t have to maintain real-time changes and didn’t suffer from problem #1 listed above since all fields were available in history tables - it was effectively populating a materialized view.

Another goal here is to educate through a common example that runs through the various implementation options. The sample base table that I’ll be using has the following attributes,

[FullName] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,  
[Username] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,  
[IsActive] [bit] NOT NULL,  
[Birthday] [date] NULL,  
[Age]  AS (DATEDIFF(year,[Birthday],GETDATE())),  
[LastUpdatedDate] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL,  
[LastUpdatedBy] [varchar](50) NOT NULL  

Alternative #1 – Roll-your-own Snapshots

You might be interested in change tracking, but what if it’s tracking tables in a third-party system? You may not have the freedom to add triggers or change the schema, so are you stuck? No! One option if you’re willing to accept tracking over an interval is to use a set of T-SQL statements that can most easily be packaged in a stored procedure (per table). Such a procedure can be scheduled to run every few minutes (or hours), depending on your requirements. You’ll only pick up the last change in that interval, determined by comparing the current state in your base table versus the most recent state in your history table, based on a chosen natural key. (In our example, PersonID is our natural key.)

The history table we’ll use looks like the base table but with two additional fields,

[RowExpiryDate] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL,  
[IsDeleted] [bit] NOT NULL  

In the T-SQL script that I offer here, the stored procedure [History].[up_Track_Proc_Load] is what populates the history table, [History].[Track_Proc]. There’re three basic steps:

  1. Expire old records (as would happen on updates).
  2. Insert new/changed records (supporting inserts and updates).
  3. Flag deleted records.

Starting from an empty base and history table, if we were to run this script,

INSERT dbo.Track_Proc (FullName, Username, IsActive, Birthday, LastUpdatedBy, LastUpdatedDate)  
    VALUES ('Bobby Tables', 'bob', 1, '1/1/2000', 'inserter_guy', GETDATE());  
EXEC History.up_Track_Proc_Load;  
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02';  
UPDATE dbo.Track_Proc  
SET FullName = 'Robert Tables', UserName = 'rob', LastUpdatedBy = 'updater_guy', LastUpdatedDate = GETDATE()  
WHERE PersonID = 1;  
EXEC History.up_Track_Proc_Load;  
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02';  
UPDATE dbo.Track_Proc  
SET UserName = 'robby', LastUpdatedBy = 'updater_guy', LastUpdatedDate = GETDATE()  
WHERE PersonID = 1;  
EXEC History.up_Track_Proc_Load;  
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02';  
DELETE dbo.Track_Proc  
WHERE PersonID = 1;  
EXEC History.up_Track_Proc_Load;  
SELECT * FROM History.Track_Proc  
ORDER BY LastUpdatedDate ASC;  

We’d see the following contents in the History.Track_Proc history table,

PersonID FullName Username IsActive Birthday LastUpdatedBy LastUpdatedDate RowExpiryDate IsDeleted
1 Bobby Tables bob True 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM inserter_guy 8/24/2018 12:44:49 PM 8/24/2018 12:44:51 PM False
1 Robert Tables rob True 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM updater_guy 8/24/2018 12:44:51 PM 8/24/2018 12:44:53 PM False
1 Robert Tables robby True 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM updater_guy 8/24/2018 12:44:53 PM 8/24/2018 12:44:55 PM False
1 Robert Tables robby True 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM updater_guy 8/24/2018 12:44:55 PM 1/1/3000 12:00:00 AM True

Of note, we can use LastUpdatedDate and RowExpiryDate to box off time windows for when a given state was valid in the base table. The GitHub script includes examples of creating views that can present back individual field-level changes – search for “_Changes” in the script to see how this can be done.

What if our base table is missing LastUpdatedDate and By fields? We can still track changes - but with more limitations. In my example script, search for “NoAudit” to find an implementation where I remove LastUpdatedBy and Date, so limitations necessarily include:

  1. We can’t tell who made changes at all, just what the changes were. As you can tell from the above result set, we can’t determine who the “delete user” is, regardless of having a LastUpdatedBy field or not.
  2. We can’t tell exactly when the last change was made for a given natural key value – just that some net change happened as of the run date of the procedure.

Scheduling running our load procedure is easy with SQL Agent (or the scheduler of your choice), and the load process itself is rather efficient, although we could do more such as using partitioning based on say “year” of our LastUpdatedDate. (This would offer a way to more easily archive “old” history.)

Alternative #2 – Triggers

If we’re willing to use triggers on base tables, we can get the benefit of tracking all changes, not just net changes over a time interval. I’ve used this approach before, back in the “old days” with a version of triggers that populated a history table almost identical to what I show above for snapshot-based tracking. However, I decided over time I could improve performance by eliminating the persisted RowExpiryDate and instead generate a view that presents historical data in the same format. This allowed me to eliminate a trigger - down to only an AFTER UPDATE and FOR DELETE trigger. With this new format, the current record is not maintained in the history table – it’s only moved there on UPDATE or DELETE. What it does is make the query of historical data more complex – but in testing, as I’ll show later, it’s still the absolute winner among all approaches for query performance in a specific test case (and likely in general).

Search for the text “tg_” in my script to see an example of the implementation of these triggers. Of note, if you attempt to use DELETE on an audited table, you’ll get an error message: “You cannot perform a physical delete on Track_Triggers.” That’s for your own protection since you should really do deletion by setting the IsDeleted flag to true, along with the LastUpdatedBy/Date. It’s important to remember that doing so will delete the record in your base table. To demonstrate, run this,

INSERT dbo.Track_Triggers (FullName, Username, IsActive, Birthday, LastUpdatedBy, LastUpdatedDate)  
    VALUES ('Bobby Tables', 'bob', 1, '1/1/2000', 'inserter_guy', GETDATE());  
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02';  
UPDATE dbo.Track_Triggers  
SET FullName = 'Robert Tables', UserName = 'rob', LastUpdatedBy = 'updater_guy', LastUpdatedDate = GETDATE()  
WHERE PersonID = 1;  
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02';  
UPDATE dbo.Track_Triggers  
SET UserName = 'robby', LastUpdatedBy = 'updater_guy', LastUpdatedDate = GETDATE()  
WHERE PersonID = 1;  
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02';  
UPDATE dbo.Track_Triggers  
SET IsDeleted = 1, LastUpdatedBy = 'deleter_guy', LastUpdatedDate = GETDATE()  
WHERE PersonID = 1;  
SELECT * FROM Track_Triggers_History  
ORDER BY LastUpdatedDate ASC;  

dbo.Track_Triggers_History is a view that merges base and history data to present data in a format identical to the snapshot-based approach,

PersonID FullName Username IsActive Birthday LastUpdatedBy LastUpdatedDate IsDeleted RowExpiryDate
1 Bobby Tables bob True 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM inserter_guy 8/24/2018 2:50:37 PM False 8/24/2018 2:50:39 PM
1 Robert Tables rob True 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM updater_guy 8/24/2018 2:50:39 PM False 8/24/2018 2:50:41 PM
1 Robert Tables robby True 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM updater_guy 8/24/2018 2:50:41 PM False 8/24/2018 2:50:43 PM
1 Robert Tables robby True 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM deleter_guy 8/24/2018 2:50:43 PM True 12/31/9999 12:00:00 AM

Interestingly the format is the same – but notice the LastUpdatedBy on the deleted record is “deleter_guy” – so we know who to go blame for record deletion! Also, in this example, our base table would have zero rows in it, after the final UPDATE. The CRUD (create-read-update-delete) stored procedures that are included as part of the template I mentioned abstract the nature of deletion: if you enable auditing for a table, the delete procedure uses an UPDATE (setting IsDeleted), whereas, for no auditing, it can use a straight DELETE. (Optimistic concurrency checking is also an optional feature the procedures provide.)

Applying schema changes is rather easy with the trigger-based approach. I typically do it using a template where I,

  1. Make my schema changes on the base table in development.
  2. Run the template to regenerate history (drop/create) – I lose history data in development but that’s usually fine.
  3. When it’s time to promote, I use a tool that creates ALTER statements. If I’d added a non-nullable field, I’ll usually have a default or a data movement script; if I added a nullable field, the ALTER is straightforward. The ALTER’s against base and history can happen together as such, without issue 99.9% of the time.

Alternative #3 – Temporal Tables

Temporal tables became an option with SQL 2016 (implementing ANSI SQL 2011) and are described more here. A key difference with temporal tables is we need to hand over our LastUpdatedDate and RowExpiryDate management to the system itself. This is part of the table script for our base table,

[LastUpdatedDate] [datetime2](7) GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW START NOT NULL,  
[RowExpiryDate] [datetime2](7) GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW END NOT NULL,  
PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME ([LastUpdatedDate], [RowExpiryDate])  

Let’s run our now-familiar script, with adjustments – including the fact we no longer manage LastUpdatedDate,

INSERT dbo.Track_Temporal (FullName, Username, IsActive, Birthday, LastUpdatedBy)  
    VALUES ('Bobby Tables', 'bob', 1, '1/1/2000', 'inserter_guy');  
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02';  
UPDATE dbo.Track_Temporal  
SET FullName = 'Robert Tables', UserName = 'rob', LastUpdatedBy = 'updater_guy'  
WHERE PersonID = 1;  
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02';  
UPDATE dbo.Track_Temporal  
SET UserName = 'robby', LastUpdatedBy = 'updater_guy'  
WHERE PersonID = 1;  
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02';  
DELETE dbo.Track_Temporal  
WHERE PersonID = 1; 

If we want to look at historical data now, we could do this,


Notice the special keywords involved, and I’m simply trying to look at all changes, as shown here,

PersonID FullName Username Birthday IsActive Age LastUpdatedBy LastUpdatedDate RowExpiryDate
1 Bobby Tables bob 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM True 18 inserter_guy 8/24/2018 10:15:27 PM 8/24/2018 10:15:29 PM
1 Robert Tables rob 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM True 18 updater_guy 8/24/2018 10:15:29 PM 8/24/2018 10:15:31 PM
1 Robert Tables robby 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM True 18 updater_guy 8/24/2018 10:15:31 PM 8/24/2018 10:15:33 PM

One big difference is we only have three records, not four – with the last record reflecting the end-of-life of PersonID = 1 at a specific time. This makes perfect sense since a point-in-time query before 10:15:27 PM or after 10:15:33 PM would show no matches for PersonID = 1 – it did not exist, so that’s correct. What we’re missing is the tracking of who did the deletion, which is the main reason the fourth record exists in the trigger-based approach.

Alternative #4 – Change Data Capture (CDC)

CDC is either enabled or disabled at a database level, and at a table level. The final product of changes is something we can get at using:

Notice our history table has more system-maintained fields. Another interesting behavior is you might not see all records in history, right away – I had to run the final SELECT twice since the asynchronous log reader process had not processed everything on the first request. This is discussed in more detail here, where considerable detail is available on how CDC works under the hood.

One of the main differences with CDC is it doesn’t maintain a “row expiry date” – but as it is with the trigger example, we can infer this based on sequence – a sequence that I generally base on the LastUpdatedDate, trusting it’s updated diligently by everyone (application and DBA alike!). Another difference is that CDC has native support for data retention, which is something most other approaches can deal with, but with extra work.

Comparisons and Conclusions

The most obvious comparison is for performance. It’s impossible to build a benchmark that represents every possible workload, but what I did was create a table per approach with a modest “existing size” (100,000 rows), applying inserts, updates, deletes, and queries of historical data, under a timer. At that point, instead of focusing on raw times, I made the snapshot-based approach the baseline, given it’s effectively the same as “no live auditing.” Here’s a comparison, split by the approach and operation, where lower numbers are “better”:


It’s worth noting that temporal tables and triggers do show a tiny amount of overhead on insertion – but they do better on updates and deletion, which is a surprise - but the numbers are real. The “query” here has us counting cases where we saw a birthdate change using historical data. This query is purely fabricated, but it’s interesting to see triggers doing much better than other approaches, even after I penalized history queries, favoring improved base table DML performance. Because triggers and snapshots are “open” solutions, customization is possible, so these don’t necessarily need to be final figures. Also, CDC and temporal tables impose some restrictions on tracked tables in terms of how you manage change and what DDL can be applied, where snapshots and triggers can be less restrictive.

The trigger-based approach can also cut down on round-trips, compared to temporal tables. For example, you can assign the LastUpdatedDate from a variable that you return to your application – if you’re using temporal tables, you’d need to not only do your UPDATE but issue a SELECT afterward to get the system-assigned last updated date, if that’s of interest to you at the time of insertion or update.

CDC and temporal tables are often employed for business intelligence solutions such as support for slowly-changing dimensions. However, I’ve lived the requirements of applications that have greatly benefitted from live data change tracking, where “blame” has sadly been useful at times, along with restoring data at a row-level, and debugging of system problems.

If using triggers or snapshots interests you, I’ve got a template that lets you build the supporting SQL infrastructure, sourced from your base tables. I discuss this template in more detail here – but it should be noted there’s no need to do it this way: you can certainly roll your own SQL, where my script on GitHub is a working example. If you find issues or a way to radically change performance for any option – feel free to drop me a line at [email protected].

Another project on GitHub that might be of interest is an open-source ORM framework that integrates well with the auditing described here. CodexMicroORM is free to use – contributions are welcome!

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