In office 365 sites, the security & Compliance center displays Audit log search to perform searches to identify the usage of user’s activities in office 365 sites.
To access or to run an audit log search just follow the below steps.
Audit log search
Here you will catch detailed access on what end users are doing which activities within the sites like add users, folder activities, documents activities much more. You'll be able to find activity related to email, groups, documents, permissions, directory services etc.
You can search the Office 365 audit log for activities that were performed within the last 90 days.
Let’s select the activities first that you wish to search and get the result. Fill out the require details for search criteria.
Choose the activities from dropdown menu that you wish to search for.
As you can see below image shows Categories of activities.
Start date and End date
Select a date and time choice to display the events that occurred within that period.
Click in users box and it will populate available users to select one or more users to show search results for.
File, folder or site
Enter certain or all of a file or folder name to search for activity related to the file of folder that contains the specified keyword.
special character like \ / - _ not supported in the search query.
Run a search to view results. The results display with date and time when the event occurred, IP address of your used device, user, Activity which performed by user, item, Details of result sets.
Here I have chosen added user activity; it comes under user administration activities that are logged when an admin adds or changes a user account by using the Office 365 admin center or the Azure management portal and uploaded file under file and page activities when user uploaded file into any document library. See below image describe all search criteria details.
Now the results are showing the user performing the activity along with the file uploaded in document libraries too.
Great..! Here is the result of the uploaded file and added user activities performed by user sets. You can filter results based on Date and time, IP address, User name, Activity, Item, and Details respectively. See below image.
Good to see there is a nice option to export results as you can save loaded results or download all results in csv format.
Once all the activties are done, you can then save this. Once saved you can also create a new alert policy for user activities; it will display in the Alerts section of the Security & Compliance center to create new alert policies refer my article
Alert Policies in Office 365 Security and Compliance Center.
Happy reading. Any suggestions or feedback are always welcome.Thank you.