ASP.NET Core Web API with 3-Tier Architecture and Iterator Pattern


This project demonstrates an ASP.NET Core Web API with a 3-tier architecture featuring CRUD operations for managing a collection of library books. The application is designed with a data access layer (DAL) employing the Iterator Design Pattern to encapsulate the iteration logic for the library book collection. The solution includes a data layer defining the LibraryBook model, a data access layer with a LibraryBookRepository implementing CRUD operations and the Iterator pattern, and a business logic layer (BLL) with a LibraryBookService. The API controllers in the presentation layer enable HTTP endpoints for adding, updating, deleting, and retrieving library books.

Implementing a complete CRUD functionality with the Iterator Design Pattern in an ASP.NET Core Web API with a 3-tier architecture involves several steps. I'll provide a simplified example to guide you through the process.

Step 1. Define the Model (Data Layer)

// Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan
// Models/LibraryBook.cs
public class LibraryBook
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Author { get; set; }

Step 2. Create Data Access Layer (DAL)

// DataAccessLayer/LibraryBookRepository.cs
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public interface ILibraryBookIterator
    LibraryBook Next();
    bool HasNext();

public interface ILibraryBookRepository : IEnumerable<LibraryBook>
    void Add(LibraryBook book);
    void Update(LibraryBook book);
    void Delete(int id);
    LibraryBook GetById(int id);
    ILibraryBookIterator CreateIterator();

public class LibraryBookRepositoryIterator: ILibraryBookIterator
    private readonly List<LibraryBook> books;
    private int position = 0;

    public LibraryBookRepositoryIterator(List<LibraryBook> books)
        this.books = books;

    public LibraryBook Next()
        var book = books[position];
        return book;

    public bool HasNext()
        return position < books.Count;

public class LibraryBookRepository: ILibraryBookRepository
    private List<LibraryBook> books;

    public LibraryBookRepository()
        books = new List<LibraryBook>();

    public void Add(LibraryBook book)

    public void Update(LibraryBook book)
        var existingBook = GetById(book.Id);
        if (existingBook != null)
            // Update properties
            existingBook.Title = book.Title;
            existingBook.Author = book.Author;
            // Update other properties as needed

    public void Delete(int id)
        var bookToRemove = GetById(id);
        if (bookToRemove != null)

    public LibraryBook GetById(int id)
        return books.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == id);

    public IEnumerator<LibraryBook> GetEnumerator()
        return books.GetEnumerator();

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return GetEnumerator();

    public ILibraryBookIterator CreateIterator()
        return new LibraryBookRepositoryIterator(books);

Step 3. Implement Business Logic Layer (BLL)

// Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan
// BusinessLogicLayer/LibraryBookService.cs
public class LibraryBookService
    private readonly ILibraryBookRepository book repository;

    public LibraryBookService(ILibraryBookRepository bookRepository)
        this.bookRepository = bookRepository;

    public void AddBook(LibraryBook book)

    public void UpdateBook(LibraryBook book)

    public void DeleteBook(int id)

    public LibraryBook GetBookById(int id)
        return bookRepository.GetById(id);

    public IEnumerable<LibraryBook> GetAllBooks()
        return bookRepository;

Step 4. Implement API Controllers (Presentation Layer)

// Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan
// Controllers/LibraryBookController.cs
public class LibraryBookController : ControllerBase
    private readonly LibraryBookService bookService;

    public LibraryBookController(LibraryBookService bookService)
        this.bookService = bookService;

    public IActionResult AddBook([FromBody] LibraryBook book)
        return Ok();

    public IActionResult UpdateBook([FromBody] LibraryBook book)
        return Ok();

    public IActionResult DeleteBook(int id)
        return Ok();

    public IActionResult GetBookById(int id)
        var book = bookService.GetBookById(id);
        return Ok(book);

    public IActionResult GetAllBooks()
        var books = bookService.GetAllBooks();
        return Ok(books);

Step 5. Dependency Injection (Startup.cs)

// Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan
// Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Other configurations

    services.AddSingleton<ILibraryBookRepository, LibraryBookRepository>();


In conclusion, we've implemented a simple ASP.NET Core Web API with a 3-tier architecture (Data Access Layer, Business Logic Layer, and Presentation Layer) for managing a collection of library books. We incorporated the Iterator Design Pattern to encapsulate the iteration logic for the collection of LibraryBook objects.

Key steps in the implementation

1. Model Definition

  • Defined the LibraryBook model to represent the data structure.

2. Data Access Layer (DAL)

  • Created the ILibraryBookIterator and ILibraryBookRepository interfaces.
  • Implemented the LibraryBookRepositoryIterator class for the iterator pattern.
  • Updated the LibraryBookRepository class to include the iterator pattern using the CreateIterator method.

3. Business Logic Layer (BLL)

  • Implemented the LibraryBookService class, which serves as an intermediary between the DAL and the API controllers.

4. API Controllers (Presentation Layer)

  • Created the LibraryBookController class to handle HTTP requests and interact with the LibraryBookService

5. Dependency Injection (Startup. cs)

  • Configured dependency injection for the ILibraryBookRepository and LibraryBookService in the Startup.cs file.

This implementation provides a foundation for a scalable and maintainable application, with a separation of concerns between different layers. The Iterator Design Pattern enhances the flexibility and extensibility of the code by encapsulating the iteration logic, allowing for easier changes in the future.

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