This project is developed in ASP.NET MVC Core 1.0.0 with Windows dependencies. This project is focused on the Event Management Process, and here, we have to automate the process of Event Management.
Here is the link to the Project Source Code.
There are 3 end users in this project.
- Admin
- Customer
- SuperAdmin
The process starts with creating an Admin and a SuperAdmin who can create an Admin. The admin has the right to add various types of thing, such as venue for marriage, equipment required for marriage, food Items for marriage, lighting, flowers, cost, and photo. After adding, all of this will be visible to the customer when they are booking the event. And, after booking, this application is sent to admin for approval. Admin can approve or reject the application; the status is available to the customer. Meanwhile, admin can see the entire application submitted by the customer and the total cost.
The customer can see the status after submitting the application and can print the receipt.
About Platform Used
I developed this application using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 with Microsoft SQL Server 2008.
Server-side technology used is ASP.NET Core MVC 1.0 and the language used for developing is C#, along with Entity Framework Core and Dependency Injection for database accessing and finally, for using services, we have used Web API.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017
- Link to download.
![Microsoft Visual Studio]()
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008
- Link to download.
Database Details
Finally, after understanding the process, let's check out which are the tables we used in this application. Please read the text file ReadMe_First.txt first. In this file, the entire process of database creation and login details of the file are written.
I have created a database with name EventDB and inside this, all the tables are created.
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains Registration of Customer and Admin, SuperAdmin.
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains Roles of Customer and Admin, SuperAdmin.
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains all Country Names.
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains all State Names.
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains all City Names.
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains all Venue Details entered by the Admin.
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains all Equipment Details entered by Admin.
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains all Food Details entered by Admin.
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains all Lighting Details entered by Admin
This table contains all Flower Details entered by Admin.
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains all Event Types.
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains all BookingVenue Details entered by Customer.
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains all BookingEquipment Details entered by Customer.
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains all Booking Food Details entered by Customer
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains all Booking Lighting Details entered by Customer
![ASP.NET Core]()
This table contains all Booking Flower Details entered by Customer
Booking Details
This table contains all Booking Details booked by Customer
![ASP.NET Core]()
After completing database details now let have a look on Project structure in Visual Studio.
The Project Name is EventApplicationCore.
You can see the basic folder structure provided by MVC Core.
Project structure
Added MVC Core Web Project.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Next adding EventApplicationCore.Concrete Class Library to project.
This Class Library contains all Classes which are using Entity Framework Core ORM for accessing database and it also has DbContext and is the main class for interacting with the database.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Next add EventApplicationCore.Interface Class Library to project.
This Class Library contains all Interfaces in which we have declared methods, this interface is going to implement a concrete class (EventApplicationCore.Concrete).
![ASP.NET Core]()
This Class Library contains all Models which are used in Application.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Controller Folder contains all Controllers created in this application.
![ASP.NET Core]()
View Folder contains all Views created in this application.
![ASP.NET Core]()
DbContext (we are using Entity Framework core in this project)
![ASP.NET Core]()
Appsettings.json file
In appsettings.json file we store all application settings in a key-value pair. Here we have stored Connection string of database.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Setting Connection string in Startup.cs class
![ASP.NET Core]()
Setting Dependence injection in Startup.cs class
![ASP.NET Core]()
Filters and Encryption library
![ASP.NET Core]()
The above shows how the directory and folder structure looks, now let's check out Application screens.
Starting with Login Screen.
The below screens are of Admin who is going to add new Venues, Food items, Lighting, Equipment which will be seen by Users while booking.
Login (Admin)
![ASP.NET Core]()
We are going to log in to the application with admin credentials.
Admin Dashboard
The first screen which appears to Admin after logging in.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Add Venue
In this part, we are going to add new Venue.
![ASP.NET Core]()
All Venues
In this part we are going to display all Venues which we have added in Grid view, along with that we have Edit and Delete button to edit venue and delete venue.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Edit Venue
In this part, we are going update details of Venue.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Add Equipment
In this part, we are going to add new Equipment.
![ASP.NET Core]()
All Equipment
In this part, we going to display all Equipment which we have added in Grid view, along with that we have Edit and Delete button to edit Equipment and delete Equipment.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Edit Equipment
In this part, we are going update details of Equipment.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Add Food
In this part we are going to add new Food item. ![ASP.NET Core]()
All Foods
In this part, we going to display all Food items which we have added in Grid view, along with that we have Edit and Delete button to edit Food items and delete Food items.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Edit Food
In this part, we are going update details of Food Items.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Add Lighting
In this part we are going to add new Lighting.
![ASP.NET Core]()
All Lightings
In this part we going to display all Lightings which we have added in Grid view, along with that we have Edit and Delete button to edit Lightings and delete Lightings.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Edit Lighting
In this part, we are going update details of Lightings.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Add Flowers
In this part we are going to add new Flowers for adding Flowers we require Flowers name, Flowers Cost and Photo of Flowers.
![ASP.NET Core]()
All Flowers
In this part we are going to display all Flowers which we have added in Grid view, along with that we have Edit and Delete button to edit Flowers and delete Flowers.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Edit Flowers
In this part, we are going update details of Flower.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Booking Details
In this part, we can see all booking request of users and admin has right to approve or reject booking depending upon his arrangements.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Booking Approvals
In this part, we can see individual booking detail and approve or reject booking.
![ASP.NET Core]()
All Users Profile
In this part, we can see all registered users' profiles.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Finally, we have Completed with Admin end which was too large.
Login (User)
Now we are logged in as User.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Booking Venue
In this part, we are going to book a venue for a birthday party.
For doing that we just need to choose Event Type as Birthday Party next we are going to venue type as Beach venue along with that number of Guests.
Book Equipment
In this part, we are going to book an Equipment for venue, such as DJ or Speaker and mike; you can choose equipment according to your choice.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Book Food
In this part, we are going to book food items for Event. It has various combinations; we can choose food items according to our choice.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Book Light
In this part, we are going to book lighting for the venue, such as String Lights or Acqualina outdoor lights. You can choose lighting according to your choice.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Book Flower
In this part, we are going to book flowers for the venue, such as orchids or red flowers; you can choose flowers according to your choice.
![ASP.NET Core]()
All Booking Status
In this part, we can see our booking status. If the booking is approved, we can download the receipt.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Order Details
In this part, if we click on "Show Order" button of the booking status grid, we can see complete details of an order.
![ASP.NET Core]()
Finally, we have gone through the entire project in details, functionality wise. I hope you liked my project for learning ASP.NET Core MVC 1.0.