App Services Using Microsoft Azure

In this article, I have explained how to create and configure App Services using Microsoft Windows Azure.
App Service is a Platform-as-a-Services (PaaS) offering of Microsoft Azure. that can be used to -
  • Create web and mobile apps for any platform or device.
  • Integrate your apps with Solutions-as-a-Services SaaS solutions
  • Connect with on-premises applications, and automate your business processes.

Azure runs your apps on fully managed virtual machines (VMs) with your choice of shared VM resources or dedicated VMs.
VM – Virtual Machine
App Services Types
  • Web - Hosting websites and web applications
  • Mobile – Hosting mobile app backends
  • API - Hosting RESTFUL Services
  • Logic Apps – Automating business process, Integrating Systems, and data across cloud without writing code.
Now, lets’ s go and create a web app using Azure portal.
Log into your Azure subscription using your live email.
Microsoft Azure subscription 
Navigate to the App Services.
App Services 
App Services
Click "Add" to create a new web app.
create new web app 
Click "Web app template" on the page.
Lots of templates are available here; ex - WordPress, Web app + SQL
Web app template
Web app template
Click "Create".
Create Web App 
Provide the app name as “helloworldvinodh” and pick your subscription.
Create a new resource “helloworld” and click "Create".
Create a new resource 
After successful creation of web app, navigate it into browser.
Web App 
App Service App
Provide the deployment credentials for FTP.
Azure Web app deployment
Azure Web app deployment
Open some third-party FTP software
In this scenario, I am using FileZilla Client.
Open FileZilla Client.
FileZilla Client
Provide the host name
Hostname: ftps://
Username: helloworldvinodh\vinodh
Password: *************
Click Quickconnect
After successful connection
Navigate to WWWROOT directory
Create a sample helloworld HTML named index.html
Move the index.html file to root directory
Now open the web app url
Azure web app 
Happy learning!......

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