This article will help you in adding the event calendar site page on SharePoint, using Office 365.
Here, in this article, we will be adding a new subsite for calendars which will help us know the schedule added on the site in SharePoint, using Office 365.
Make sure that you have worked on my previous article to understand what SharePoint is. You should have a site collection page designed before you start surfing with this demo.
Go with the below links to understand what SharePoint Site Collection using Office 365 is, adding new pages, subsite, and customizing it.
Follow the below steps now,
Step 1: Open your SharePoint access under Office 365 and open your Site Collection page. Click on the Site Collection page that you have created. Here, in my case, I will be going with the Events page.
Go to Settings Panel - Site Settings.
Step 2: Click on Add an App.
![Add an App]()
Step 3: Click on Custom List.
![Custom List]()
Step 4: Add details for Custom List. Add a name over here. I will be adding “Events” as name for my custom list.
![Custom List]()
Now, you can find that the Site Contents have been added with Events. You can find the same at the left pane under Recent where Events has been added.
Step 5: Click on the Events button now.
Step 6: Now, click on Add new item or edit this list.
Step 7: Followed by your click on new item or edit this list, you will be getting this customizing option. Click on the “+” sign nearby Events.
Step 8: Click on Date and Time.
![Date and Time]()
Step 9: Now, add Event name with Date and Time, followed by Save button.
Here, you can find the event name, date, and time added.
Step 10: Again, follow the same for adding the next event details.
Now, the calendar site is ready with the event schedule. You can also add more details on the same page and this can be accessed by your company people to go through the event schedules.