Abstract Factory Pattern: Designing Families of Related Objects in C#


Our previous article, "The Factory Method Pattern: Simplifying Object Creation", simplifies object creation by delegating it to subclasses, promoting flexibility and maintainability in the code.

In object-oriented design, creating families of related objects can be challenging, especially when the exact types of objects to be created are not known until runtime. The Abstract Factory Pattern provides a solution by offering an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. This pattern is an extension of the Factory Method Pattern and is particularly useful in scenarios where you need to ensure that a set of objects is created together, maintaining a consistent configuration.

Understanding the Abstract Factory Pattern

The Abstract Factory Pattern defines an interface for creating objects, but it allows subclasses to produce different families of products. Each family of products is designed to work together, ensuring that the created objects are compatible with one another. This pattern promotes consistency and decouples the client code from the specific classes of objects it needs to use.

Key Components of Abstract Factory Pattern

  • AbstractFactory: Declares the creation methods for each type of product.
  • ConcreteFactory: Implements the creation methods to produce specific products.
  • AbstractProduct: Declares the interface for a type of product.
  • ConcreteProduct: Implements the AbstractProduct interface.
  • Client: Only the interfaces declared by the AbstractFactory and AbstractProduct classes are used.

Example in C#

Let's illustrate the Abstract Factory Pattern with a practical example involving document creation. Create two folders in your project Documents and Factories.

1. Define the Product Interfaces Under Document Folder


namespace Abstract_Factory_Pattern_Demo.Documents
    public interface IDocument
        void Open();
        void Close();


This interface defines methods (Open() and Close()) that all document types (Word, PDF, etc.) must implement.


namespace Abstract_Factory_Pattern_Demo.Documents
    public interface IToolbar
        void Render();


This interface defines the Render() method, which is implemented by toolbars related to each document type (e.g., Word toolbar, PDF toolbar).

2. Create Concrete Products Under Document Folder


namespace Abstract_Factory_Pattern_Demo.Documents
    public class WordDocument : IDocument
        public void Open() => Console.WriteLine("Opening Word Document.");
        public void Close() => Console.WriteLine("Closing Word Document.");


Implements the IDocument interface. When Open() is called, it simulates opening a Word document. Similarly, Close() closes the Word document.


namespace Abstract_Factory_Pattern_Demo.Documents
    public class PdfDocument : IDocument
        public void Open() => Console.WriteLine("Opening PDF Document.");
        public void Close() => Console.WriteLine("Closing PDF Document.");


Implements the IDocument interface for PDFs. Provides the behavior for opening and closing PDF documents.


namespace Abstract_Factory_Pattern_Demo.Documents
    public class WordToolbar : IToolbar
        public void Render() => Console.WriteLine("Rendering Word Document Toolbar.");


Implements the IToolbar interface. When Render() is called, it simulates rendering the toolbar for a Word document.


namespace Abstract_Factory_Pattern_Demo.Documents
    public class PdfToolbar : IToolbar
        public void Render() => Console.WriteLine("Rendering PDF Document Toolbar.");


Implements the IToolbar interface for PDF. Provides the behavior for rendering the toolbar for PDF documents.

3. Define the Abstract Factory Interface Under the Factories Folder


namespace Abstract_Factory_Pattern_Demo.Factories
    using Abstract_Factory_Pattern_Demo.Documents;
    public interface IGUIFactory
        IDocument CreateDocument();
        IToolbar CreateToolbar();


  • This interface defines the methods for creating related objects: CreateDocument() and CreateToolbar().
  • The idea is that a concrete factory will create both a document and a toolbar of the same family (Word or PDF).

4. Create Concrete Factories Under the Factories Folder


namespace Abstract_Factory_Pattern_Demo.Factories
    using Abstract_Factory_Pattern_Demo.Documents;
    public class WordFactory : IGUIFactory
        public IDocument CreateDocument() => new WordDocument();
        public IToolbar CreateToolbar() => new WordToolbar();


This factory creates Word-related products. It implements CreateDocument() to return a WordDocument and CreateToolbar() to return a WordToolbar.


namespace Abstract_Factory_Pattern_Demo.Factories
    using Abstract_Factory_Pattern_Demo.Documents;
    public class PdfFactory : IGUIFactory
        public IDocument CreateDocument() => new PdfDocument();
        public IToolbar CreateToolbar() => new PdfToolbar();


This factory creates PDF-related products. It provides methods to create both PdfDocument and PdfToolbar instances.

5. Client Code


using Abstract_Factory_Pattern_Demo.Factories;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        IGUIFactory factory;
        Console.WriteLine("Enter the type of document to create (Word/PDF):");
        var input = Console.ReadLine();
        switch (input.ToLower())
            case "word":
                factory = new WordFactory();
            case "pdf":
                factory = new PdfFactory();
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid document type");
        var document = factory.CreateDocument();
        var toolbar = factory.CreateToolbar();


  • The client selects the type of document (Word or PDF) to create.
  • Based on user input, the corresponding factory (WordFactory or PDFFactory) is instantiated.
  • The client then creates both the document and toolbar using the factory and finally calls Open(), Render(), and Close() on the respective products.
  • The client is unaware of the specific classes being created, as it only interacts with the abstract IDocument and IToolbar interfaces.

File Structure For the Above Example.

File structure



Visual Studio

Real-World Use Cases

The Abstract Factory Pattern is useful in several scenarios.

  • UI Design: For creating different UI elements (buttons, checkboxes) that match a particular theme or style.
  • Configuration Systems: For generating configurations for different environments (e.g., development, testing, production) that require compatible settings.
  • Data Access Layers: These are used to create different types of data access objects based on database types (e.g., SQL, NoSQL).

Benefits of Abstract Factory Pattern

  • Consistency: Ensures that related objects are created together and are compatible with one another.
  • Flexibility: Allows for easy extension of product families without changing existing client code.
  • Decoupling: Reduces dependency on concrete classes, promoting a more modular design.


The Abstract Factory Pattern provides a robust mechanism for creating families of related objects while ensuring that the objects are compatible with one another. This pattern enhances consistency and flexibility, making it easier to manage complex object creation scenarios.

Next Steps

In the next article, we will explore "Singleton Pattern: Ensuring a Single Instance in .NET Core". This pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it. We will explore its implementation in .NET Core and discuss its use cases and benefits.

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Thank you, and happy coding.

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