A Comprehensive Guide to Nullable Reference Types in C# 10


C# 10 introduces nullable reference types, a powerful feature aimed at improving the safety and robustness of code by allowing developers to express explicitly the presence or absence of null values. The use of nullable reference types enables developers to detect null-related bugs at compile time, thus reducing the risk of runtime errors and improving code quality. Our comprehensive guide will explore the nuances of nullable reference types in C# 10, providing detailed explanations and code examples.

Understanding Nullable Reference Types

Null reference exceptions can occur at runtime when reference types in C# implicitly contain null values. As a result of nullable reference types, developers can specify whether a variable can be null or not by using nullability annotations.

Nullable reference types can be enabled in C# projects by adding the #nullable enable directive to the top of your code files or your project settings. Once enabled, the compiler will analyse your code and warn you if a null reference error is detected.

Nullable Annotations

Annotations for nullable reference types indicate whether or not a reference type can be null. These annotations include:

  • T?:  Nullable reference type T, indicates that a variable of type T can be assigned a null value.
  • T: A variable of type T cannot be null, since it represents a non-nullable reference type.

Code Examples

To illustrate how nullable reference types can be used, let's examine some code examples:

#nullable enable

// Non-nullable reference type
string nonNullableString = "Hello, world!";
nonNullableString = null; // Compiler error: Cannot assign null to non-nullable type 'string'

// Nullable reference type
string? nullableString = "Hello, world!";
nullableString = null; // Allowed

// Nullable annotations with method parameters
void ProcessString(string? input)
    if (input != null)
        Console.WriteLine(input.Length); // No warning: 'input' is implicitly not null

// Nullable annotations with method return types
string? GetNullableString(bool condition)
    return condition ? "Hello" : null;

Handling Nullable Reference Warnings

There are some strategies for handling nullable reference warnings when nullable reference types are enabled. In order to ensure code correctness, it is imperative to address these warnings.

  • Null-Check Before Access: Avoid null reference exceptions by checking nullable variables for null before accessing their members.
  • Null-Forgiving Operator: When you're confident that a nullable variable won't be null, use the null-forgiving operator (!) to suppress warnings.
  • Explicitly Annotate Nullable Variables: Specify whether a reference type variable may be null or not using explicit nullability annotations (T? or T).

Extra Code Examples

Using the Null-Forgiving Operator

#nullable enable

string? nullableString = null;
int length = nullableString!.Length; // Using the null-forgiving operator to suppress warnings

Using Null-Coalescing Operator

#nullable enable

string? nullableString = null;
int length = nullableString?.Length ?? 0; // Using null-coalescing operator to provide a default value

Using Nullable Annotations with Collections

#nullable enable

List<string?>? nullableList = new List<string?> { "One", null, "Three" };
foreach (string? item in nullableList)
    if (item != null)
        Console.WriteLine(item); // No warning: 'item' is implicitly not null

Using Nullable Annotations with Method Parameters

#nullable enable

void ProcessNullableString(string? input)
    if (input != null)
        Console.WriteLine(input.Length); // No warning: 'input' is implicitly not null

Using Nullable Annotations with Method Return Types

#nullable enable

string? GetNullableString(bool condition)
    return condition ? "Hello" : null;

The above code examples illustrate how nullable reference types can be used in various scenarios, including handling nullable values in variables, collections, method parameters, and return types. Nullable reference types can reduce the risk of null reference exceptions and improve overall code quality by enabling developers to write safer, more robust, and safer code.


Through compile-time checks for null reference errors, nullable reference types in C# 10 improve code safety and robustness. Nullable reference types enable developers to write code that is more resilient and reliable, reducing runtime errors and improving code quality. Nullable reference types can be fully utilized in C# projects with careful application and understanding of nullable annotations.

C# developers can identify null-related errors early in the development process by embracing nullable reference types, making C# code safer and more maintainable. The guidelines and best practices in this guide can help developers maximize the potential of nullable reference types in their C# applications and improve their quality.

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