0/1 Knapsack Problem By Greedy Approach


Hi guys! This article is a continuation of my last article ‘What is Knapsack problem’ so if you don’t read that please follow-through that article first for reading it before. In this article, I am trying to explain how I solved the knapsack problem using the greedy method approach.
So, let’s start.
As the name suggests, the greedy approach refers to a thief who is very greedy for stolen things. He steals things in a fraction of parts.

Method for Solving

  • Arrange all given items in descending order of per weight profit eg. According to Profit/weight
  • Now, start selection from this list, the weight of the item is less than the remaining capacity of the knapsack
Example 1
For the given set of items and knapsack capacity = 6 kg, find the optimal solution for the fractional knapsack problem making use of the greedy approach.
Find the optimal solution for the fractional knapsack problem making use of greedy approach. Consider:
n = 4
m = 6 kg
(w1, w2, w3, w4) = (3,2,10,2)
(p1, p2, p3, p4) = (15,20,30,14)
Find out profit per weight Pi/Wi
Arrange according to Pi/wi

Selection (Xi) Steps

Okay, let’s have the capacity m=6
The first profitable item we have are item no.2 so we select is 6-2=4 now the remaining knapsack capacity is 4 and our selection is 1(means selected)
Then we have the next profitable item is item no .4, so we select 4-2=2 now the remaining knapsack capacity is 2 and our selection is 1(means selected)
Then we have the next profitable item is item no .1 and its weight is 3 and our knapsack remaining capacity is 2. Now we are dealing with a greedy approach and select 2/3 items. (like take as we can )
So our selection is 2/3.
Now we don’t have the remaining capacity so we can’t take the last item no. 3 so it’s selection is 0.
Had the problem been a 0/1 knapsack problem, knapsack would contain the following items- < 2,4,1 >
The knapsack’s Total profit would be 44 units
Example 2
For the given set of items and knapsack capacity = 15 kg, find the optimal solution for the fractional knapsack problem making use of the greedy approach.
Find out profit per weight Pi/Wi
Arrange according to Pi/wi

Selection (Xi) Steps

Okay,let’s have the capacity m=15
The first profitable item we have are item no.5, so we select is 15-1=14. Now the remaining knapsack capacity is 14 and our selection is 1(means selected)
Then we have the next profitable item is item no .7 so we select 14-6. Now the remaining knapsack capacity is 8 and our selection is 1(means selected)
Then we have the next profitable item is item no .1 so we select 8-2. Now the remaining knapsack capacity is 6 and our selection is 1(means selected)
Then we have the next profitable item is item no .3 so we select 6-2. Now the remaining knapsack capacity is 4 and our selection is 1(means selected)
Then we have the next profitable item is item no .2. Its weight is 5 and our knapsack remaining capacity is 4, so now we are dealing with a greedy approach and select 4/5 items. (like take as we can )
So our selection is 4/5.
Now we don’t have any remaining capacity so we can’t take any more items, so it’s selection is made 0 for other items.


Had the problem been a 0/1 knapsack problem, the knapsack would contain the following items- < 5,7,1,3,2 >.
Knapsack’s total profit would be 65 units.
Hence, we have solved the 0/1 knapsack problem through the greedy approach.

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