This article helps database developers understand how to split a string using multiple delimiters. The common practice has been to split the string using a single delimiter that you find in many sources. But, when it comes to a delimiter list, this article will help you to split those strings in a much easier way.
Let's first create the following function, before getting into the splitting of strings. This function will generate the sequence of numbers up to the given number.
- create function dbo.fn_generate_numbers
- (@numrows int)
- returns @returntable table (rownum int primary key)
- as
- begin
- declare @idt int
- set @idt = 0
- while (@idt < @numrows)
- begin
- select @idt = @idt + 1
- insert into @returntable
- select @idt
- end
- return
- end
- go
Here we go with the variable creation and the assigning of the values.
- declare
- @inputstring varchar(max),
- @delimiterlist varchar(32)
- declare @xml as xml
- declare @derivedstring varchar(max)=''
- set @inputstring = ';|,
- set @delimiterlist = ';|,~'
How this script works.
- Using the function "fn_generate_numbers" we are creating the sequence of numbers for the given input string length.
- We are identifying the pattern of the delimiter list and generalizing the delimiter value for the given input string.
- We are replacing the generic delimiter value with the XML node and converting the complete string into XML format.
- Finally doing the XML manipulation using xquery we are generating the string list with generatenumbers.
Step 1
- select rownum as [n] from dbo.fn_generate_numbers(len(@inputstring))
Step 2
- select @derivedstring = @derivedstring + case when patindex('%['+ @delimiterlist + ']%',substring(@inputstring,n,1))>0 then ','
- else substring(@inputstring,n,1)
- end from generatenumbers;
Step 3
- set @xml = cast(('<root>'+replace(@derivedstring,
- ',','</root><root>')+'</root>') as xml)
Step 4
select distinct replace(a.value('.', 'varchar(max)'),char(13)+char(10),'') as [stringlist] from @xml.nodes('root') as fn(a)
That's it. Now you will get the desired result-set for your given input string. Making this script as a user defined function will be helpful for your development activity.
User defined function
- create function dbo.[fn_split_string_using_multiple_delimiters]
- (
- @inputstring varchar(max),
- @delimiterlist varchar(32)
- )
- returns @returntable table(rowid int identity primary key,items varchar(max))
- begin
How this script works
Step 1
Using the function "fn_generate_numbers" we are creating the sequence of numbers for the given input string length.
Step 2
We are identifying the pattern of the delimiter list and generalizing the delimiter value for the given input string.
Step 3
We are replacing the generic delimiter value with the XML node and converting the complete string into XML format.
Step 4
Finally doing the XML manipulation using xquery we are generating the string list.
*/ declare
- @xml as xml
- declare @derivedstring varchar(max)='' ;with generatenumbers as
Step 1
- select rownum as [n] from dbo.fn_generate_numbers(len(@inputstring))
Step 2
- select
- @derivedstring = @derivedstring + case when patindex('%['+ @delimiterlist + ']%',substring(@inputstring,n,1))>0 then ','
- else
- substring(@inputstring,n,1) end from generatenumbers;
Step 3
- set @xml = cast(('<root>'+replace(@derivedstring,
- ',','</root><root>')+'</root>') as xml)
Step 4
- Insert into @returntable
- select distinct replace(a.value('.', 'varchar(max)'),char(13)+char(10),'') as [stringlist] from @xml.nodes('root') as fn(a)
- return;
- end
- go
Here are some examples
select * from dbo.[fn_split_string_using_multiple_delimiters]('india;uk ; usa ; spain;italy',';')
select * from dbo.[fn_split_string_using_multiple_delimiters]('india,uk ; usa ; spain:italy',',;:')
select * from [fn_split_string_using_multiple_delimiters](
Now whenever we want to split the string using the delimiter list or delimiter, then this function will help you to speed up your development activity.