Magnifier Tool in Windows 10


Magnifier Tool is a very useful tool for users and it is provided by Windows 10 also.
With more additional features, Magnifier tool can be accessed using the following steps.
Step 1
Go to Settings option in Windows 10.
Step 2
Under "Settings" tab go to "Personalization" option.
Step 3
Under "Settings" tab, go to Personalization, then Colors and click "High contrast settings".
Step 4
You can see the option "Ease of Access", here Magnifier option is available and you can set the option to "On" and "Off".
Step 5
Switch it "On", you can see the Magnifier window as in the following screenshot:
Step 6
Clicking the "+" button you can see the Magnification is made into 200% and the screen options are made 200%.
Step 7
There is another option "Invert colors" and you can see the entire window changed into a brownish color.
Step 8
Making it off, the screen reverts back to the original color.
You can set the option of starting the magnifier automatically once the window is on. This can be achieved by selecting "Start Magnifier automatically".
Under Tracking option, you are able to track down the keyboard focus and also the mouse cursor in Magnifier tool.
Read more articles on Windows 10:


In this article, we learned about Magnifier Tool in Windows 10. 

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