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In this video we will see from where to download visual studio, whatare the different versions of visual studio (paid and free ones) and finallywe will create a simple console application which display hello world.
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When we create software applications , taking input data is one ofthe most important things to have. In this video we see how we can take datafrom keyboard in to console application.
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Data are of different type's numeric and non-numeric. In the previousvideo we say how to take non numeric data. In this video we will see how totake numeric data in our console application. In order to do this we will betalking about a new data type here called as integer.
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Errors are parts of every application and same is true for c#application. In this video we will see how to handle errors using try and catchblock.
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Many times you would like your application to perform certain thingsunder certain conditions. In this video we will see how to use the"IF" and "ELSE" to define conditions in c# applications.
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Programming code is complex to understand. So if one developer writesa code and the other wants to figure out what he has done its very difficultfor the second person to get through. In this video we will see how to putcomments in your c# code, thus making it more readable when some otherdeveloper sees your code.
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Many times we want to write logic which run in a loop. For exampleyou would like to run a logic 10 times. In this video we will see how to usethe "FOR" loop to write such kind of logic.
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The best way to learn c# is create a application. In this video wewill apply whatever we have learnt and we will create a simple consolecalculator.
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In this modern world nobody like dark screens of consoleapplications. In this video we will create windows application which givesyou the great UI feel of windows.
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After all this it's time to get in to something real. In this videowe will create a simple customer screen which takes Customer name, Country ,gender , hobby and status. You can also think this is the project we will betrying to complete in the coming days.
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In the previous lab we have created a simple customer screen. In thislab we will create one more screen called as the preview screen. This screenwill display data entered in to the customer data entry screen.
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Navigation and locating things is one of the most important thingswhich end user looks at. In this video we will create navigational menuswhich will help us to navigate Customer entry screen and display screenseasily.
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Reusability is the key in any software application. Copy pasting isnot the way to work. In this video we will see how we can reuse code bycreating classes and objects. OOP (object oriented programming) is one of thekey things which every developer should understand and this video touches thecore concepts of classes and objects.