This project describes an approach for constructing a
hardware emulation of a segmented seven element LED display. This is the same
sort of numeric LED used in microwave ovens, cheap alarm clocks, and even in
some not so cheap aircraft. It is most commonly used to display things such as
the time, radio frequencies, how much money you have deposited into the soda
machine, or just how much it is going to cost to fill up the gas tank.
Whilst it is not of any particular value to display
numeric values with an LED emulation within the context of a modern software
application, the control does offer some value in situations where you may wish
to build a simulation of an actual piece of hardware.
Figure 1: LED Control Demonstration
Getting Started:
In order to get started, unzip the attachment and load
the solution into Visual Studio 2005. Examine the solution explorer and note
that the solution contains two projects:
Figure 2: The Solution Explorer Showing the Project
The LED display project is a Windows Control Library
and it contains a single user control entitled, "LED"; as might expect, this
LED.vb control contains the class that defines the custom LED control. Note
also that the project contains a resources folder; the resources used within
this project include the images needed to display the LED's numeric values (0
through 9).
The second project, LED User, is a demonstration
project that consumes the control . This project contains a single windows form
class entitled, "frmDemo.vb". This form contains six LED controls which are
updated every 1000 milliseconds to display the current time of day (see Figure
The Code: LED.vb
The LED.vb control is a user control and as such is has
a visual designer; the size of the control was set to 40 pixels wide and 60
pixels tall, a picture box control was dropped onto the container and it was set
to dock to the full extent of the container.
To supply the correct visual representation of the
numeric values, I merely used ten image files, one for each digit from zero to
nine. I used a common drawing package to define a 40 pixel by 60 pixel drawing,
gave it a slight gradient background that was mostly black, and I defined a
green filled polygon of the correct size and shape to support building each
segment of the seven segment LED display. To generate each number, I just
ghosted out the unused LED segments by setting their fill to a dark gray color.
I did this to make the segment still lightly visible much as it is in an actual
LED display. Naturally, this fill color (green) could have been any color and
if you are simulating a red, or amber, or cyan LED, you would want to use that
color instead of green. I used green because green is the color the human eye
is most adept at perceiving and because it is a color commonly used in military
applications where the use of night vision imaging systems is required (greens
in the 450 nanometers of wavelength range do not impair use of the NVIS
To embed the necessary images into the document, I
opened up "My Project" from the solution, opened the "Resources" tab, and used
the interface to load each of the ten images used to supply the numeric readouts
used by the control. Once added to the project; you will notice that a folder
entitled, "Resources" is added to the project; if you look inside the folder,
you will see each of the image files. Selecting any of the image files
contained in the folder will reveal its properties in the property grid control;
I selected all of the images and set the build action property to "embedded
resource" although the images can still be retrieved without performing this
last step.
Figure 3: My Project-Adding image files to the
control's resources
With the control added, and the image files packed into
the control library's available resources, the only thing left to do is to write
the small bit of code necessary to drive the display of the correct image in
response to setting the current numeric value for the control.
The "Embed.vb" class contains only the following code:
Class LED
Private Sub
LED_Load(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
Public Sub
SetNumber(ByVal num
As Integer)
Select Case
pbxLED.Image =
Case 1
pbxLED.Image =
Case 2
pbxLED.Image = My.Resources.two
Case 3
pbxLED.Image = My.Resources.three
Case 4
pbxLED.Image = My.Resources.four
Case 5
pbxLED.Image = My.Resources.five
Case 6
pbxLED.Image = My.Resources.six
Case 7
pbxLED.Image =
Case 8
pbxLED.Image = My.Resources.eight
Case 9
pbxLED.Image = My.Resources.nine
Case Else
pbxLED.Image =
End Select
End Sub
As you can see, the code required to drive the display
is trivial. The class contains no imports and is declared publicly. The load
event handler initializes the LED emulation to display the numeric value of
zero; it does this through a public subroutine entitled, "SetNumber" which in
turn accepts a single integer argument representing the number that the control
should display.
The "SetNumber" subroutine performs a select case on
the integer value passed into the subroutine and depending upon which number was
passed in, it selects and loads the appropriate image into the control's picture
box control using the images contained in the control's resources.
To make the control a bit more robust, you should
evaluate the integer passed into the subroutine to make sure that it is greater
than or equal zero, and less than or equal to nine.
That pretty much wraps up the control. Once an
instance of the control is created, the control's "SetNumber" subroutine is used
to continuously update the numeric value shown in the control.
The Code: frmDemo.vb.
The demonstration project contains a single form class
("frmDemo") which is used as a test bed for trying out the new LED control. To
make for a more interesting demonstration, the demo uses six LED controls
arranged to look like a digital clock. These six LED controls are arranged into
pairs inside a group box with colons placed between each pair. The colon is
simply two small panels sized and arranged between each pair such that each
stacked pair of panels looks like a colon; the same approach could be used to
place other non-updatable design elements such as a decimal point if one were to
use a similar control to display, for example, a UHF radio frequency. The
background color of the panel was set to green so that it appears to match the
LED control (see figure 4).
Figure 4: Demo Form Control Arrangement
The demo form also contains a timer; the timer's
interval is set to 1000 milliseconds and it is enabled; the bulk of what happens
in this demonstration piece happens on the timer's tick event and on each 1000
millisecond interval, the values for each LED are set based upon the current
time of day.
The class contains the following code:
Class frmDemo
Private Sub
Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender
As System.Object,
ByVal e As
Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim hrs As
Dim mins As
Dim secs As
Dim hours() As
Dim minutes() As
Dim seconds() As
hr1 As String
Dim hr2 As
Dim mm1 As
Dim mm2 As
Dim ss1 As
Dim ss2 As
hrs =
mins =
secs =
hours =
minutes =
seconds =
If hours.Length > 1
hr1 = hours(0)
hr2 = hours(1)
hr1 =
hr2 = hours(0)
End If
If minutes.Length > 1
mm1 =
mm2 =
mm1 =
mm2 =
End If
If seconds.Length > 1
ss1 =
ss2 =
ss1 =
ss2 =
End If
End Sub
Private Sub
btnExit_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object,
ByVal e As
Handles btnExit.Click
End Sub
The demo class is declared publicly and it contains no
imports. The timer's click event handler captures the current time into three
string variables and the current time is split up into hours, minutes, and
seconds. The hours, minutes, and seconds are converted into character arrays
and the character array values are checked and then used to set the hours,
minutes, and seconds for each of the associated LED controls. The only other
code in the class is used to dispose of the form when the user clicks the Exit
That concludes the discussion of the design and code of
this application.
The project demonstrates a simple approach to building
a user control that may be used to emulate LED hardware. This design provides
an example of one way in which a simple .NET application could be used to
provide an emulation of an actual piece of hardware. You could take the example
of the clock provided and improve upon it to do something like building an
emulation of a VCR or an LED clock; who knows, with a little time and effort
maybe you could turn your $17000 laptop into a $12 alarm clock.