This article discusses the construction of an image viewer user control that may
be used to display images from a directory containing a collection of image
files. The control displays the previous and next images in the file along with
the current image. The current image may be opened from the user control into
the default image application on the user's machine based upon that machine's
file associations. Image thumbnails are used to supply the previous, current,
and next images from the directory. As shown in the demonstration, the user
control could be added to an application where you might need to allow users to
preview or visually scan images prior to opening them up for viewing or edit.
Figure 1: Image Viewer User Control Loaded
into a Test Application
Figure 2: Opening an Image into the Default Image Application (Microsoft Office
Picture Manager shown)
Getting Started:
In order to get started, unzip the included project and open the solution in the
Visual Studio 2008 environment. There are two project contained in the solution.
ImageViewerVB is the first project and it is control library project containing
a single user control. The second project (TestImageViewerVB) is a test
application which displays a single form used to contain the user control.
In the solution explorer, you should note these files:
Figure 3: Solution Explorer
The Image Viewer User Control (ImageViewerVB.vb).
The Image Viewer user control contains everything necessary to browse to the
image folder and to view the current, next, and previous images. The control
itself contains a text box and browse button used to open a folder browser
dialog box; when the user navigates to the desired folder and selects it, the
path the folder will be shown in the textbox control and the browse button click
event handler will trigger the collection of all of the image files contained in
the selected folder and will start up the display of the images. The control
contains three picture boxes used to display the previous, current, and next
images. The previous and next images are accompanied by two buttons used to move
backwards and forwards through the image collection. The paths to each of the
image files are contained in an array list and an integer value with class scope
is used to maintain the current position within that array list.
If you'd care to open the code view up in the IDE you will see that the code
file begins with the following using statements; most included are per the
default configuration but System.IO was added to support the directory
operations used within the
Following the imports, the class is defined
and a constructor added as are a collection of local member variables used to
maintain the folder path, the image file paths (in an array list), the image
list position, and the images themselves (previous, current, and next). I'm not
doing anything in the constructor here but you want to; for example, you might
want to point the folder browser dialog to a default folder location.
Class ImageViewer
' private member variables
Private mFolder As
Private mImageList As
Private mImagePosition
As Integer
Private mPreviousImage
As Image
Private mCurrentImage
As Image
Private mNextImage As
''' <summary>
''' Default Constructor
''' </summary>
Public Sub
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
End Sub
Next up is the user control's load
event handler; this demonstration does not do anything in the load event but you
may wish to use this handler to do something here.
''' <summary>
''' Default load event handler
''' </summary>
''' <param
''' <param
Private Sub
ImageViewer_Load(ByVal sender
As System.Object,
ByVal e As
Handles MyBase.Load
' do nothing
End Sub
The next section of the code is the
browse button click event handler. In this section of the code, the handler
opens the folder browser dialog box which the user may then use to set the path
to the image folder. Once the folder has been set, the handler loops through
that folder and locates all bitmap, jpeg, and gif files; the file paths any
image files found are added to an array list (bitmaps, gifs, and jpegs). Once
the array list is populated with the files paths, the click event handler wraps
up but setting the list index position to zero and then it calls the SetImages
method which sets up the current, previous, and next images into the appropriate
picture box. The code is annotated and should be easy enough to follow:
''' Open the folder browse dialog and load
''' the initial images
''' </summary>
Private Sub
btnBrowse_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnBrowse.Click
' Label the folder browser dialog
Me.folderBrowserDialog1.Description =
"Select the image directory."
' disable create folder feature of folder browser
Me.folderBrowserDialog1.ShowNewFolderButton =
' display the folder browser
Dim result As
DialogResult = folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog()
If result = DialogResult.OK
' on okay, set the image folder to the
' folder browser's selected path
mFolder =
If (Not
txtImageDirectory.Text = mFolder
' exit if the user cancels
End If
' initialize the image arraylist
mImageList =
New ArrayList()
' loop through the image directory
' and find all of the image files
' add the found files to the image
list - add other image types if
' necessary
Dim Dir As
New DirectoryInfo(mFolder)
Dim f As
For Each f
In Dir.GetFiles("*.*")
Select Case (f.Extension.ToUpper())
Case ".BMP"
Case ".GIF"
Case Else
' skip file
End Select
' set the starting position to 0
' and call the set images method
' to load the pictures
= 0
End If
End Sub
The next bit of code is the SetImages function; this function is used to set the
images for each of the picture boxes (previous, current, and next image). This
code creates thumbnails the images stored as file paths in the images array list
and then sets the picture boxes to display the thumbnails rather than the full
images. The code is written to respond differently when hitting the limits of
the array list used to store the file paths to the actual images; at the limits,
the previous or next images will be blanked.
Further, the code clears out the images once they picture boxes are set, and
garbage collection is called to clean it up each time the function is called. I
found that, without garbage collection, the control would through an out of
memory exception when scanning through large numbers of images in one setting.
Again, this code is annotated and should be easy enough to follow:
''' <summary>
''' This function is used to set the previous,
''' current, and next images into the
''' correct picture boxes
''' </summary>
Private Sub
' clear any existing images
' memory will be an issue if
' cycling through a large
' number of images
mPreviousImage =
mNextImage =
mCurrentImage =
' set the previous image
If mImagePosition > 0
' set delegate
Dim prevCallback As
Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort = _
New Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(AddressOf
' get the previous image
Dim prevBmp As
New Bitmap(mImageList(mImagePosition -
' thumbnail the image to the size
' of the picture box
mPreviousImage = _prevBmp.GetThumbnailImage(160, 100, _prevCallback,
' set the picture box image
picPreviousImage.Image = mPreviousImage
' clear everything out
prevBmp =
prevCallback = Nothing
mPreviousImage = Nothing
'stall if it hangs, the user can retry
End Try
' at the limit clear the
' image
picPreviousImage.Image = Nothing
End If
' set current image
If mImagePosition < mImageList.Count
' set delegate
Dim currentCallback = _New
' get the current image
Dim currentBmp As
' thumbnail the image to the size
' of the picture box
mCurrentImage = _currentBmp.GetThumbnailImage(320, 200, currentCallback,
' set the picture box image
picCurrentImage.Image = mCurrentImage
' clear everything out
= Nothing
mCurrentImage = Nothing
currentCallback = Nothing
'stall if it hangs, the user can retry
End Try
End If
' set next image
If mImagePosition < mImageList.Count - 1
' set delegate
Dim nextCallback As
_New Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(AddressOfThumbnailCallback)
get the next image
Dim nextBmp As
_New Bitmap(mImageList(mImagePosition + 1).ToString())
' thumbnail the image to the size
' of the picture box
= _
nextBmp.GetThumbnailImage(160, 100, nextCallback, IntPtr.Zero)
' set the picture box image
picNextImage.Image = mNextImage
' clear everything out
nextBmp =
nextCallback = Nothing
= Nothing
'stall if it hangs, the user can retry
End Try
' at the limit clear the
' image
picNextImage.Image = Nothing
End If
' call for garbage collection
End Sub
The next bit of code is the code called if the thumbnail image attempt aborts;
this is required by the method used to generate the thumbnail.
''' <summary>
''' Thumbnail image abort target
''' </summary>
Public Function
ThumbnailCallback() As
Return False
End Function
The previous image button click event
handler is next up; it is used to update the image position within the array
list and to recall the SetImages method when the index position is updated:
''' Set the image position and reset all
''' of the images when the previous image
''' button is clicked
''' </summary>
''' <param
''' <param
Private Sub
btnPreviousImage_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnPreviousImage.Click
If (mImagePosition >= 0
And Not
picPreviousImage.Image Is
-= 1
End If
End Sub
The next image button click event handler is next up;
it is used to update the image position within the array list and to recall the
SetImages method when the index position is updated:
''' <summary>
''' Set the image position and reset all
''' of the images when the next image
''' button is clicked
''' </summary>
''' <param
''' <param
Private Sub
btnNextImage_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnNextImage.Click
If (mImagePosition <= (mImageList.Count - 2))
+= 1
End If
End Sub
The last method is used to open the current image into the default image viewing
application as based upon the machine's file associations. This method merely
calls the process start function and passes it the file path to the current
image file.
''' <summary>
''' Open the current image using the default
''' program per the user's file associations
''' </summary>
''' <param
''' <param
Private Sub
btnOpenImage_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnOpenImage.Click
End Sub
The Text Form (Form1.vb)
The test form contained with the test application contains a single
instance of the Image Viewer user control; the form itself has no specific code
leaving nothing to report here. The test application was set as the start up
project and, when executed, the test form opens up and displays the user
This solution provides a user control that may be used to provide a
user interface that may be helpful if the user of an application will need to
browse for image files. The user control provides the controls necessary to
browse for a folder containing images along with the means to preview the
currently selected, previous, and next images. Through the control, the end user
may browse through all of the image files contained in the folder and, if
desired, may open on the images into a new application.