Yahoo's Local Search Service is provided free of charge to developers through
the Yahoo Developer's Network. This article will demonstrate one approach that
may be used to consume this service to return a list of business locations
through the use of a zip code based search for a business name or product.
The service returns the following
Title (the name of
the business)
Street Address
Phone Number
Latitude and Longitude
The distance from the
center of the zip code supplied by the user
URLs for maps and details
about the business
URL of the business
web site (if available)
This article will
demonstrate the basics of submitting Local Search Service request, displaying
the results, and accessing the available links returned in the search results.
Naturally there are a number of ways in which could present the search results
and this demonstration application only illustrates one such possibility. For
more information regarding the program refer directly the Yahoo Developer
Network website located at
The service may be accessed up to 50,000 times a day; participation in the
program is free and is contingent upon signing up for the Yahoo. Developers
Network and obtaining an application ID from Yahoo.
When visiting the Yahoo site, take a look at the different programs available
and take a look at some of the many services made available through Yahoo.
Figure 1: The demonstration application
Figure 2: Providing Context Menu Access to the Map, Business, and Business
details URLs
Figure 3: Displaying the Map to the Business
Figure 4: Displaying the Business Website
Figure 5: Displaying the Yahoo Business
Getting Started:
In order to get started, unzip the included project and open the solution in the
Visual Studio 2005 environment. In the solution explorer.
The Main Form (frmSearch.vb)
The main form (frmSearch.vb) is the only form contained in the
application; all of the application specific code required to access the
service, return the results of an local search, and to display those results in
a datagridview control or as a web page are included in this class.
The code is pretty simple, if you'd care to open the code view up in the IDE you
will see that the code file begins as follows:
''' <summary>
''' Consume the Yahoo Local Search Service
''' in a Visual Basic Win Forms application
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Class frmSearch
''' <summary>
Default Constructor
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Sub New()
This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
the user's zip code likely won't change so
set the zip code to user last entered zip code
= My.MySettings.Default.MyZipCode
End Sub
Note that in the constructor, the zip code textbox control is populated from a
user setting stored in the application. Each time the user changes the zip code,
the last entered zip code is stored in this setting and the next time the
application is used, the last zip code is restored into the textbox.
Next section of code is the button click event handler for the search button.
When this button is clicked, the method will verify that the user has entered a
search term and zip code, will store the current zip code into the user setting
(in case the user changed it) and then will call a separate method called Local
search which accepts two arguments: the title of the business or product name,
and the zip code.
''' <summary>
''' Initiate a Yahoo Local Search Service
''' request based upon the user supplied
''' product/business name and zip code
''' </summary>
''' <param
''' <param
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
_ByVal e As System.EventArgs)Handles btnSearch.Click
validate that search terms were entered
by making sure that the business/product
and the zip code textboxes contain something
If txtBusinessOrProduct.Text
<> String.Empty Or _txtZipCode.Text
<> String.Empty Then
save last entered zip code in user setting
so that the next time the application is used
we can retrieve this zip code and reuse it
= txtZipCode.Text
call the search with the product and zip code arguments
this function will populate the datagrid with the
values returned from the product search
tell the user that the search requested is invalid
if they failed to fill in both the product/business and
zip code textboxes
must supply both a zip code and product/business name.", "Search Invalid")
End If
End Sub
The next section of the code is used to execute the local search. The first part
of the code stores the business or product name into a string variable and then
trims the zip code string to prevent a zip+4 entry; the textbox that accepts the
zip code is limited to only five characters in length so this is not really
necessary. An Http web request is then formatted to execute the search against
the Yahoo Local Search service; this request uses the supplied business or
product name along with the supplied zip code to limit the number of results
returned. The service limits the results to a maximum of 20 entries.
The derived response stream is used to populate a dataset; the dataset's second
table is then bound to the datagridview. The second table contains the results
of the search; a total of three tables are returned by the service and contain
information regarding the business rating and the total number of hits returned
by the search.
''' <summary>
''' Conduct a search for products or business names
''' within a specified zip code using the Yahoo
''' Local Search Service
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Sub LocalSearch(ByVal business As String,
_ByVal zipCode As String)
business or product name
Dim biz As String =
take only the zip code (not zip + 4)
Dim zip As String =
zipCode.Substring(0, 5)
format the web request using
the zip code and business/product name
passed in as arguments
NOTE: The appid should be replaced with the
appid supplied by Yahoo when the developer
signs up with the free developer network
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest
_= System.Net.WebRequest.Create
( _"" _+
biz + "&zip=" +
zip +
get http web response for the web request
Using response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse
= _equest.GetResponse()
populate the dataset using the
response stream (in XML)
Dim dsSearch As DataSet
= New DataSet()
populate the datagridview control using the
second table (which contains the actual search
results - in all three tables are returned
= dsSearch.Tables(1)
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
describe any encoutered error if the
local search should fail for any reason
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error")
End Try
End Sub
The final three
methods contained in the class are used to open up the business, map, and
details links provided in the results obtained for any specific business.
''' <summary>
''' Open the Map URL for the currently selected row
''' contained in the results datagridview control
''' </summary>
''' <param
''' <param
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Sub mapURLToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal e AsSystem.EventArgs) Handles mapURLToolStripMenuItem.Click
get the cell value for the map URL
Dim url As String
= dataGridView1.SelectedRows(0).Cells(10).Value.ToString()
open the URL into a browser window
display an error message to the user
if the URL does not exist or was invalid
or Missing URL", "Map
URL Error")
End Try
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Open the Business URL for the currently selected row
''' contained in the results datagridview control
''' </summary>
''' <param
''' <param
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Sub businessURLToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e AsSystem.EventArgs) Handles businessURLToolStripMenuItem.Click()
get the cell value for the map URL
Dim url As String
= dataGridView1.SelectedRows(0).Cells(11).Value.ToString()
open the URL into a browser window
display an error message to the user
if the URL does not exist or was invalid
or Missing URL", "Business
URL Error")
End Try
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Open the Business Details URL for the currently selected row
''' contained in the results datagridview control
''' </summary>
''' <param
''' <param
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Sub detailsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e AsSystem.EventArgs) Handles detailsToolStripMenuItem.Click
get the cell value for the map URL
Dim url As String
= dataGridView1.SelectedRows(0).Cells(8).Value.ToString()
open the URL into a browser window
display an error message to the user
if the URL does not exist or was invalid
or Missing URL", "Business
Details URL Error")"
End Try
End Sub
This application was provided as an example of how one might take
advantage of the Yahoo Local Search service in a Visual Basic Win Forms
application. The service returns information about the business and returns a
collection of links that may be used to display a map of the business, the
business web site, and Yahoo collected information pertaining to the business.