Select, Insert, Update, Delete Using Stored Procedure in SQL Server


Here, we will see how to create select, insert, update, and delete statements using stored procedures in SQL Server. Let's take a look at a practical example. We create a table.

Create a Table in SQL

CREATE TABLE employee  
    first_name VARCHAR(10),  
    last_name  VARCHAR(10),  
    salary     DECIMAL(10, 2),  
    city       VARCHAR(20),  

Now add some rows to the table. We can add new rows using an INSERT INTO SQL statement. Then execute a SELECT SQL query to display all records of the table.   

INSERT INTO employee  
VALUES      (2,  
INSERT INTO employee  
VALUES      (4,  
INSERT INTO employee  
VALUES      (5,  
INSERT INTO employee  
VALUES      (6,  
FROM   employee

The table looks like this.


Stored Procedure for Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Here, we create a stored procedure with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE SQL statements. The SELECT SQL statement is used to fetch rows from a database table. The INSERT statement is used to add new rows to a table. The UPDATE statement is used to edit and update the values of an existing record. The DELETE statement is used to delete records from a database table. The following SQL stored procedure is used insert, update, delete, and select rows from a table, depending on the statement type parameter.    

ALTER PROCEDURE Masterinsertupdatedelete (@id            INTEGER,  
                                          @first_name    VARCHAR(10),  
                                          @last_name     VARCHAR(10),  
                                          @salary        DECIMAL(10, 2),  
                                          @city          VARCHAR(20),  
                                          @StatementType NVARCHAR(20) = '')  
      IF @StatementType = 'Insert'  
            INSERT INTO employee  
            VALUES     ( @id,  
      IF @StatementType = 'Select'  
            SELECT *  
            FROM   employee  
      IF @StatementType = 'Update'  
            UPDATE employee  
            SET    first_name = @first_name,  
                   last_name = @last_name,  
                   salary = @salary,  
                   city = @city  
            WHERE  id = @id  
      ELSE IF @StatementType = 'Delete'  
            DELETE FROM employee  
            WHERE  id = @id  

Now press F5 to execute the stored procedure. This will create a new stored procedure in the database.

Now open object explorer and select store procedure MasterInsertUpdateDelete.

Stored Procedure to Check Insert

StatementType = 'Insert'

MasterInsertUpdateDelete -> right-click select Execute Stored Procedure.


Execute procedure window will be opened.


Now for insertion, we fill the data in values in the required fields.



Click on the OK button. 

You will see a new row added to the database table.


Stored Procedure to Check update

MasterInsertUpdateDelete -> right-click select Execute Stored Procedure...

Execute procedure window will be opened.

StatementType = 'Update'


Click on the OK button.

Check the employee table with the following updated data where the id is 7.


Stored Procedure to Check Delete

MasterInsertUpdateDelete -> right-click select Execute Stored Procedure.

Execute procedure window will be opened.

StatementType = 'Delete'


We will delete records from the table which has id=2.

Click on the OK button. And check in the employee table with the following deleted data where the id is 2.



A single stored procedure can be used to select, add, update, and delete data from a database table. In this article, we learned how to create a single stored procedure to perform all operations using a single SP in SQL Server.

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