This is my R- Blog, an open source project. Basically this is a Blogging Engine where the user can register, start a blog, add to a blog, post a comment on any blog, view all blogs, see their own blog, login, logout and many more.
This is an open source project so you can download and enjoy blogging.
Now I will explain how the R- Blog open source project works.
The following is the registration page.
From here the user can register himself/herself.
After registration you can login from the header. This is MyAccount Page. Here you have 2 options. You can Post a new blog and you can view all your blogs.
![My Account]()
Using the following page you can post a new blog:
![Blog post]()
After posting a blog you can view all your blogs using this page:
![Blog with help page]()
You can view blog details and comment on a blog using this page:
![Blog Comment]()
The following is the default page. From here you can view all user's blogs.
![List all Blogs]()
Now let me explain my data base tables structure. In this project I used three tables.
- Blog
- Blog_Comment
![Registration Table]()
2. Blog
![Blog Table]()
3. Blog_Comment
![Blog Comment]()
I also copied my database inside the App_Data folder:
![AppData folder]()
To run the R- Blog project you need to download the code and attach the database and change the connection string in the web.config file depending on your SQL Server credentials.
<add name="MyConn" connectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=R- Blog;Integrated Security=True;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />