This is an an Open Source jQuery Project. I made this project in jQuery. Here I will explain how to make our project in jQuery. The name of my project is R-NoteBook.
The following is my jQuery and aspx code:
- <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
- <html xmlns="">
- <head runat="server">
- <title>R-NoteBook - A jQuery Open Source Project </title>
- <script src="jquery-1.10.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <style type="text/css">
- .tblNoteResult
- {
- border: solid 7px Red;
- }
- .tblNoteResult td
- {
- padding: 5px;
- border: 1px solid #2D4CB1;
- font-family:Verdana;
- font-size:8pt;
- background-color:#E6EFF2;
- }
- .tblNoteResult th
- {
- padding: 5px;
- border: 1px solid green;
- background-color:Green;
- color:#FCE514;
- font-family:Verdana;
- font-size:12pt;
- }
- </style>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function bindData() {
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: "Default.aspx/getData",
- data: "{}",
- contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
- datatype: "jsondata",
- async: "true",
- success: function(response) {
- if ($('#tblRNoteBookResult').length != 0)
- { $("#tblRNoteBookResult").remove(); }
- var table = "<table class='tblNoteResult' id=tblRNoteBookResult cellpadding='10' cellspacing='4' width='90%' align='center'><thead> <tr><th align='left'>Note Title</th><th align='left'>Note Description</th><th align='left'>Posted On</th><th align='left'>Posted By</th></thead> <tbody>";
- for (var i = 0; i <= response.d.length - 1; i++)
- {
- var row = "<tr>";
- row += '<td width=20%>' + response.d[i].NoteTitle + '</td>';
- row += '<td width=50%>' + response.d[i].NoteDesc + '</td>';
- row += '<td width=15%>' + response.d[i].PostedDate + '</td>';
- row += '<td width=15%>' + response.d[i].PostedBy + '</td>';
- row += '</tr>';
- table += row;
- }
- table += '</tbody></table>';
- $('#divRNoteBookData').html(table);
- $("#divRNoteBookData").slideDown("slow");
- },
- error: function(response) {
- alert(response.status + ' chandan ' + response.statusText);
- }
- });
- }
- $(document).ready(function() {
- bindData();
- $('#btnSubmit').click(function() {
- var NoteTitle = $("#txtTitle").val();
- var NoteDescription = $("#txtDescription").val();
- var PostedBy = $("#txtName").val();
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: "Default.aspx/saveData",
- data: "{Title:'" + NoteTitle + "',Description:'" + NoteDescription + "',PostedBy:'" + PostedBy + "'}",
- contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
- datatype: "jsondata",
- async: "true",
- success: function(response) {
- var myObject = eval('(' + response.d + ')');
- if (myObject > 0) {
- alert("Note Saved Successfully.");
- // Binding All Note
- bindData();
- // Clear All Text Box Values
- $("#txtTitle").val("");
- $("#txtDescription").val("");
- $("#txtName").val("");
- }
- else {
- }
- },
- error: function(response) {
- alert(response.status + ' ' + response.statusText);
- }
- });
- });
- });
- </script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <form id="form1" runat="server">
- <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="60%" align="center" style="border: Solid 5px Green;
- font-weight: bold; font-size: 12pt; background-color: Skyblue; color: Blue;">
- <tr>
- <td align="center" colspan="2" style="background-color: Yellow; font-family: Verdana;
- color: Red;">
- Write Your Daily Note
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- Your Name #:
- </td>
- <td>
- <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtName" Width="350px" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- Note Title #:
- </td>
- <td>
- <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtTitle" Width="350px" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- Note Description #:
- </td>
- <td>
- <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtDescription" Width="350px" Height="100px" TextMode="MultiLine" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- </td>
- <td>
- <asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Save Note" Width="120px" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <div id="divRNoteBookData">
- </div>
- </form>
- </body>
- </html>
Now my aspx.cs code:
- using System;
- using System.Configuration;
- using System.Data;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Web;
- using System.Web.Security;
- using System.Web.UI;
- using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
- using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
- using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
- using System.Xml.Linq;
- using System.Web.Services;
- using System.Data.SqlClient;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
- {
- protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- }
- [WebMethod]
- public static int saveData(string Title, string Description, string PostedBy)
- {
- try
- {
- SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"DATA SOURCE=MyPC\SqlServer2k8;INTEGRATED SECURITY=TRUE;DATABASE=R-NoteBook");
- SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("INSERT INTO MyNote(Title,Description, PostedBy) VALUES('" + Title + "', '" + Description + "', '" + PostedBy + "')", con);
- DataSet ds = new DataSet();
- da.Fill(ds);
- return 1;
- }
- catch
- {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- [WebMethod]
- public static RNoteBook[] getData()
- {
- RNoteBookCollection RNBC = new RNoteBookCollection();
- try
- {
- SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"DATA SOURCE=MyPC\SqlServer2k8;INTEGRATED SECURITY=TRUE;DATABASE=R-NoteBook");
- if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
- {
- con.Open();
- }
- SqlDataReader dr;
- SqlCommand cmd;
- string FetchData = "Select * From MyNote ORDER BY Posted_Date DESC";
- cmd = new SqlCommand(FetchData, con);
- dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
- if (dr.Read())
- {
- while (dr.Read())
- {
- RNoteBook NB = new RNoteBook();
- NB.NoteTitle = dr["Title"].ToString();
- NB.NoteDesc = dr["Description"].ToString();
- NB.PostedBy = dr["PostedBy"].ToString();
- NB.PostedDate = dr["Posted_Date"].ToString();
- RNBC.Add(NB);
- }
- }
- return RNBC.ToArray();
- }
- catch
- {
- return RNBC.ToArray();
- }
- }
- }
- public class RNoteBook
- {
- public string NoteTitle { get; set; }
- public string NoteDesc { get; set; }
- public string PostedBy { get; set; }
- public string PostedDate { get; set; }
- }
- public class RNoteBookCollection : List<RNoteBook>
- {
- public void Add(RNoteBook RNB)
- {
- base.Add(RNB);
- }
- }
The following is my DataTable design:
![design view]()
Image 1.
I have copied the script of my database into the App_Data folder in the application.
![app data]()
Image 2.
Now run the application. You can enter your note and click on the Save Note button.
Image 3.
![Note pade]()
Image 4.
Here in this project you can see that to save data and to fetch data I used a JSON request. I made 2 web methods on Defaulr.aspx.cs.