In R-OnLine File Management System user can View, Upload, Comment, Manage Files and much more...
The following is the DFD of my project:
Image 1.
Here in this project, I am using SQL Server as the database. The following is my table details:
- tbl_User
![table design]()
Image 2.
- ManageFile
Image 3.
- FileComment
Image 4.
I will now explain my project page by page.
Launch the application: Login.aspx
Here I have 2 types of users in my project.
- User
- Admin
Here, I login as the admin user. You can see the User_Type column in the tbl_user data table to identify the user.
![login as admin user]()
Image 5.
![an open source project]()
Image 6.
Click on the Admin link. Here the admin can manage the users and files.
![Admin Link]()
Image 7.
Click on the Manage Users link. Here the admin can view the entire users list, add a new user and delete an existing user.
![Manage Users link]()
Image 8.
Now in the ADMIN-> Manage Files Page:
![Manage Files Page]()
Image 9.
Login as a simple user:
![Login As Simple User]()
Image 10.
![my account]()
Image 11.
Now, click on Manage Files. (You can Upload, View your Files, View All Files, Get File Details, Download and Delete your own uploaded files from here.)
![Manage Files]()
Image 12.
Now click on View.
![Click on View]()
Image 13.
From this screen the user can view file details, post file comments, open a file, download a file and do much more.
The following is my database diagram structure:
![Data Base diagram]()
Image 14.
On the base of data in the tbl_user table, I am identifying whether the login user is ADMIN or a simple user. See the following data.
![Simple user]()
Image 15.
I have copied the DB in the App_Data folder.
![copied DB]()
Image 16.