In Oracle, operators are used with the data items to perform the related actions and then return a result. Oracle provides the following two general classes of operators:
- Unary: In unary operators, only one operand is used.
Eg: operator operand
- Binary: In binary operators, two operands are used.
Eg: operator1 operand operator2
Types of operators in Oracle
![Oracle Operators]()
1. To perform mathematical computations on numeric operands, arithmetic operators are used.
- Addition (+)
To add two or more numbers the (+) operator is used.
- Substraction (-)
To subtract two numeric values the (-) operator is used.
- Multiply (*)
The (*) operator multiplies one number by another.
- Division (/)
The (/) operator divides one number by another.
SELECT <Expression> [arithmetic operator] <Expression>.....
FROM [table_name]
WHERE [Expression];
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(7 * 3); --multiplication
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(18 / 5); --division
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(15 + 6); --addition
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(32 - 16); --subtraction
2. Concatenate Operator (||)
The Concatenate operator concates two strings and returns another string as the result.
String_1 ||String_2 || String_n
3. Comparison Operator
The Comparison operator is used when we want to compare one expression with another. It returns TRUE, FALSE or NULL.
Here are the comparison operators:
- = Equals to
- < Less than
- > Greater than
- <= Less than equal to
- >= Greater than equal to
- IN Operator
To determine if a column's value exists in a given set of values we use the IN operator and if the column value is equal to any of the values specified in a given set then the condition is validated. The condition that is defined using the IN operator is also known as a membership condition.
FROM Employees
WHERE Salary IN (24000, 50000, 35000);
- LIKE Operator
For wildcard searches and pattern dependent matching in a SELECT query we use the “LIKE” operator. If we know any portion of the column value a wildcard can be used to find the rest of the portion. It uses a wildcard for the search string; that’s why it is also known as a "wildcard search". The two wildcard operators are: Percentile (%) and Underscore (_). Percentile is used to replace more than one character and underscore is used to replace a single character.
SELECT First_Name
FROM Students
WHERE Last_Name LIKE 'Arora';
It is used to compare a column value within a specified range having a lower and upper limit. It is generally the same as the composite inequality operators (<= and >=).
FROM Employees
WHERE Salry BETWEEN (22000 AND 45000);
NULL values are normally unknown and also unassigned whereas the equality operator tests for a definite value, that’s why it cannot be tested using the equality operator. The NULL operator serves as an equality operator to check for NULL values of a column.
FROM Employees
4. Logical Operator
Oracle includes three types of logical operators: AND, OR and NOT. These operators operate on Boolean operands and produce Boolean results.
- AND Operator: If the value of both of the operands that we used are TRUE then the condition will automatically be TRUE.
Syntax: Boolean Expression AND Boolean Expression
For Example: Assume the following table to understand the examples:
Cust_ID |
First Name |
Last Name |
Country |
111 |
Gupta |
Australia |
116 |
Williams |
Russia |
114 |
Dayal |
Australia |
112 |
Tayal |
America |
113 |
Merchant |
India |
115 |
Rai |
America |
To find the first and the last names of the Customers between the id 111 to 114 years, the query will be like:
SELECT First_name, Last_name, Country
FROM Customers
WHERE Cust_Id >= 111 OR Id <= 113
The output will be:
Cust_ID |
First Name |
Last Name |
Country |
111 |
Gupta |
Australia |
114 |
Dayal |
Australia |
112 |
Tayal |
America |
113 |
Merchant |
India |
Note: The following table describes how logical the "AND" operator selects a row.
Column 1 Satisfied |
Column 2 Satisfied |
Row Selected |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
OR Operator: By using the logical operator “OR”, if any of the two operands are true then the condition will automatically become TRUE.
Syntax: Boolean Expression OR Boolean Expression
For example
If you want to find the first and last names of the Customers belonging to the country Australia or America, the query will be like:
SELECT First_name, Last_name, Country
FROM Customers
WHERE Country = 'America' OR Country = 'Australia'
The output will be:
First Name |
Last Name |
Country |
Gupta |
Australia |
Dayal |
Australia |
Tayal |
America |
Rai |
America |
Note: The following table describes how the logical "OR" operator selects a row.
Column 1 Satisfied |
Column 2 Satisfied |
Row Selected |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
NOT Operator: It is used to reverse the logical state of its operand. If the condition of the operand is TRUE then using the NOT operator makes it FALSE.
Syntax: NOT Boolean Expression
For example: If you want to determine the Customers who do not belong to the country Australia, the query will be like:
SELECT First_name, Last_name, Country
FROM Customers
WHERE NOT Country = 'Australia'
The output will be:
Cust_ID |
First Name |
Last Name |
Country |
116 |
Williams |
Russia |
112 |
Tayal |
America |
113 |
Merchant |
India |
115 |
Rai |
America |
Note: The following table describes how the logical "NOT" operator selects a row.
Column 1 Satisfied |
Column 2 Satisfied |
Row Selected |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Next Article: Oracle Operators: Part 2