ASP.Net MVC 5 Hello World App

Step 1 - First launch Visual Studio 2013 Preview.
Visual Studio 2013 Preview 
Step 2 - Click "New project" and change the framework version to 4.5 or higher.
Add new Project 
Here you can only see "ASP.Net Web Application" and "Portable Class Library". In Visual Studio 2013, the web tooling team has moved the options into the next screen.
Currently Visual Studio 2013 is in beta therefore there could be changes to this completely.
Step 3 - Select "ASP.Net Web Application". Select "MVC" and click the "Create Project" button.
MVC Project 
If you want to configure various authentication then click "Configure Authentication" and select your authentication model. This article is just for a simple Hello World so I'm not covering that.
Project creation is in progress.
MVC Project Creation 
Step 4 - Project hierarchy in Visual Studio 2013.
Visual Studio 2013 Project Hierarchy 
Step 5 - Select Internet Explorer as your default browser and press F5. In a different article, I'll explain about "Page Inspector".
Visual Studio Emulator 
The page looks as in the following:
Step 6 - Right-click in the controller folder then select "Add Select Scaffold".
Add Scaffold 

Step 7 - Select "MVC 5 Empty Controller" and click the "Add" button.
MVC 5 Empty Controller 
Give the controller the name "HelloWorldController" and it will be added under the Controllers folder.
MVC Controllers Folder 
Step 8 - Now we need to add a view. Create a new folder called "HelloWorld" under the view folder.
Right-click on the HelloWorld view folder them select "Add"  then  select "MVC 5 View" then "Empty without model".
Empty without model 
Step 9 - In the "index.cshtml" page, do the following as described below.
Step 10 - Now press F5, to run the application and navigate to http://localhost:portnumber/HelloWorld/Index to see the newly created helloworld page.
Hope this helps someone to start with ASP.Net MVC 5 (using Visual Studio 2013 Preview) helloworld application.

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