PictureBox control is used to display images in Windows Forms. In this article, I will discuss how to use a PictureBox control to display images in Windows Forms applications.
Creating a PictureBox
PictureBox class represents a PictureBox control. The following code snippet creates a PictureBox, sets its width and height and adds control to the Form by calling Controls.Add() method.
C# Code
Display an Image
Image property is used to set an image to be displayed in a PictureBox control. The following code snippet creates a Bitmap from an image and sets the Image property of PictureBox control. Code also sets the Dock property of PictureBox.
The output looks like Figure 1 where an image is displayed.
SizeMode property is used to position an image within a PictureBox. It can be Normal, StretchImage, AutoSize, CenterImage, and Zoom. The following code snippet sets SizeMode property of a PictureBox control.
Summary In this article, we discussed discuss how to use a PictureBox control to display images in Windows Forms applications. Further Readings