Loading a text file in a WPF FlowDocumentReader

The attached project is a WPF application written in C# and XAML. It uses OpenFileDialog to browse text files and once text file is selected, it is loaded in a FlowDocumentReader that allows you to view, paging, and find options.

First, let's create a UI with a TextBox, a Button, and a FlowDocumentViewer control.

The UI looks like Figure 1.


Figure 1


The XAML code for the UI looks like this.


<Window x:Class="LoadTextFileInFlowDocumentViewerSample.Window1"



        Title="Window1" Height="290" Width="600">


        <TextBox Height="32" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="6,10,0,0" Name="FileNameTextBox"

                 VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="393" />

        <Button Content="Browse" Height="32" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="405,10,0,0"

                Name="button1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="88" Click="button1_Click" />


            <FlowDocumentReader Name="FlowDocReader" Background="LightBlue"

                                Canvas.Top="50" Canvas.Left="5" Width="560"





On Button control, we will browse a text file and set TextBox.Text property to the selected file. As you can see from code below, we create a Paragraph and add the selected text file using Paragraph.Inlines.Add method. After that, we create a FlowDocument by passing this Paragraph and in the end; we set FlowDocumentReader.Document property to the FlowDocument.


Code sample in C#:


private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


    // Create OpenFileDialog

    Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();          


    // Set filter for file extension and default file extension

    dlg.DefaultExt = ".txt";

    dlg.Filter = "Text documents (.txt)|*.txt";


    // Display OpenFileDialog by calling ShowDialog method

    Nullable<bool> result = dlg.ShowDialog();


    // Get the selected file name and display in a TextBox

    if (result == true)


        // Open document

        string filename = dlg.FileName;

        FileNameTextBox.Text = filename;


        Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph();


        FlowDocument document = new FlowDocument(paragraph);

        FlowDocReader.Document = document;




Code sample in VB.NET:


Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

        'Create OpenFileDialog

        Dim dlg As Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog = New Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog()


        ' Set filter for file extension and default file extension

        dlg.DefaultExt = ".txt"

        dlg.Filter = "Text documents (.txt)|*.txt"


        ' Display OpenFileDialog by calling ShowDialog method

        If (dlg.ShowDialog() = True) Then


            '; Open document

            Dim filename As String = dlg.FileName

            FileNameTextBox.Text = filename


            Dim paragraph As Paragraph = New Paragraph()


            Dim document As FlowDocument = New FlowDocument(paragraph)

            FlowDocReader.Document = document

        End If


    End Sub


Now if you run the application and browse a text file, the output looks like Figure 2.


Figure 2


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