The ToCharArray method of the string class converts a string to a character array. The following code snippet creates a string into a char array.
string sentence = "Mahesh Chand"; char[] charArr = sentence.ToCharArray(); foreach (char ch in charArr) { Console.WriteLine(ch); }
The ToCharArray method has the following two overloaded forms.
String.ToCharArray() - Copies characters of the string to a unicode character array. String.ToCharArray(Int32, Int32) - Copies characters of the substring to a unicode character array.
Here is a complete sample code.
public void StringToCharArray() { // Convert string to char array string sentence = "Mahesh Chand"; char[] charArr = sentence.ToCharArray(); foreach (char ch in charArr) { Console.WriteLine(ch); } // Convert char array to string char[] chars = new char[10]; chars[0] = 'M'; chars[1] = 'a'; chars[2] = 'h'; chars[3] = 'e'; chars[4] = 's'; chars[5] = 'h'; string charsStr = new string(chars); string charsStr2 = new string(new char[] {'T','h','i','s',' ','i','s',' ','a',' ','s','t','r','i','n','g'}); Console.WriteLine("Chars to string: {0}", charsStr); Console.WriteLine("Chars to string: {0}", charsStr2); }
The output looks like the following.