In the era of technology it's not so difficult to automate windows/web
applications. On internet you will find loads of Open source/commercial tool
available to help us achieve our goal of automation. But out of that only few
would provide support for Win32, Win Forms, WPF, Silverlight application as well
as for basic applications UI automation. and white framework is one of the few
which I'm going to target for our automation, In this article I will
take an example of calculator which is best for window application automation to
explain how we can use white to achieve our UI automation goal. Here I'm
targeting the automation testers who are new to white.
White Framework
White is open-source, written in C# and it supports all rich client
applications, which are Win32, Win Form, WPF and SWT (java). It is .NET based
and does not require the use of any proprietary scripting languages. It provides
a consistent object oriented API and it hides all the complexity of Microsoft's
UI Automation library and Win32 Windows messages.
For more information on white framework you can visit below links:
White Interaction with Application:
The white framework will interact to an application through UI elements. So, you
have to be ready with some UI elements inspection tool to find out the
Automation ID and many more properties, for that purpose you can use UISpy and
UISpy is a standalone executable which enables developers to view all UI
elements and their details.
But I personally preferred VisualUIAVerify. Which am I found very handy and
comfortable to use.
With the Visual UIA Verify, you can quickly find and select any UI element
anywhere on the desktop. Based on the specific control type and the supported
control patterns, UIA Verify provides the built-in test scenarios prioritized
for the particular UI element. Developers can add additional test scenarios by
adding the code to the UIA Test Library. The tool can output the test results or
the summary in various forms. Visual UIA Verify can output test details in HTML.
You can download VisualUIAVerify from below link:
After starting VisualUIAVerify a UI Automation tree will be displayed. The root
element represents the current desktop and the child elements represent
application windows. Each of these child elements contain UI elements such as
menus, buttons, radiobuttons, textboxes, toolbars, listboxes, ...
Refer below
snap shot.
Detailed information about the UI element is displayed in the Properties
panel(below screen shot). When you want to access a UI element via White, then
you need to know the AutomationId, ControlType and Name.
Now it's enough explaining about VisualUI. It's time to come at point without
rolling here and there.
Getting Started:
The API of White is very user-friendly. You can get the benefit of this
framework start working with white.
I have developed this demo project using console application. Now let's start
our coding to explain bit in details.
1. Download the latest white dll from this location
2. Unzip the white folder
3. Open your project and select it as Console application, name it as
4. Now we have to add the references to our project as below(See below Snap Shot
for the details):
- Open your Solution Explorer
- Right click on References folder
- Select Add references
- Goto the folder where we have unzipped the
White framework.
- Select the below dll's :
- Bricks.dll
- Bricks.RuntimeFramework.dll
- Castle.Core.dll
- Castle.DynamicProxy2.dll
5. In the WhiteCalculatorTest.cs file add the
below references
- using White.Core.Factory;
- using White.Core.UIItems.Finders;
- using White.Core.InputDevices;
6. Finally we are done with all formalities.
Now we will start our main part
7. Launch calculator through white:
// source
exe file path. here it is calculator exe path
private const
string ExeSourceFile =
//Global Variable to for Application launch
static White.Core.Application
//Global variable to get the Main window of calculator from application.
private static
White.Core.UIItems.WindowItems.Window _mainWindow;
process for the above exe file location
var psi = new
// launch the process through white application
application = White.Core.Application.AttachOrLaunch(psi);
To launch a calculator I have used and process for the same. And we will force
the white application as White.Core.Application.AttachOrLaunch(psi) to lunch or
attached our process which we have start for calculator.
8. Now we will get the control of calculator window to perform our operation on
calculator. we have to get the control of the window on which we want to do some
operation. Here in our case it is calculator.
//Get the
window of calculator from white application
_mainWindow = _application.GetWindow(SearchCriteria.ByText("Calculator"),
9. When you run the above piece of code you can see that this will open
calculator. On opened calculator we try perform our first operation:
I. Through White Use Key Board To Operate Calculator:
To achieve this the white has provide a functionality as WindowsAPI
Like White.Core.WindowsAPI.KeyboardInput
We will write a piece of code which will convert the calculator in date
difference mode. Through which we can find out the difference between dates
provided on calculator.
/// Find difference
between dates through calculator
static void DateDifferenceCalculation()
//On Date window find the difference
between dates.
//Set value into combobox
var comboBox = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.ListBoxItems.ComboBox>(SearchCriteria.ByAutomationId("4003"));
comboBox.Select("Calculate the
difference between two dates");
//Click on Calculate button
caclButton =
To convert our open calculator in date difference
mode using short cut Hot, we have to just press (Ctrl+E) and the calculator
would get converted in to Date Difference mode.
After changing we have
to leave the pressed Ctrl key. Otherwise in windowsAPI will still hold the Ctrl
Now we will access the combo
box to select the appropriate option to perform our operation.
var comboBox = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.ListBoxItems.ComboBox>(SearchCriteria.ByAutomationId("4003"));
comboBox.Select("Calculate the
difference between two dates");
After selecting the above option we will click on Calculate button. By default
you can notice that it will calculate the difference between from and To Date
and both date would Current Dates. Even you can change this date through white
on calculator. To time being we will continue with default value provide in to
from and to.
As soon as the Calculate button will get press we can the result on Difference
You can refer below Snap shot.
ii. Return to Basic Calculator Mode:
We will try to achieve this through 2 functionality of White.
Using Key Board Hot Key:
/// Change the
calculator mode in basic using Key Board Hot Key
static void
Using Calculator Menu option
Refer below snap to understand Manual process.
/// Operate the
Calculator in to basic mode through Menu option
static void
var menuView = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.MenuItems.Menu>(SearchCriteria.ByText("View"));
//select Basic
var menuViewBasic = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.MenuItems.Menu>(SearchCriteria.ByText("Basic"));
Step 1: Click on Menu option (View) of calculator at top of calculator
var menuView = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.MenuItems.Menu>(SearchCriteria.ByText("View"));
Step 2: When View options dropped. Then click on Basic option to convert
the calculator into Basic Mode.
//select Basic
var menuViewBasic = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.MenuItems.Menu>(SearchCriteria.ByText("Basic"));
iii. Open helps File from calculator:
To achieve this we will use below piece of code to do that.
The code is self-explanatory.
/// Open help File
from calculator menu
static void OpenHelpOptionInCalculator()
//Click on Help at Menu item
var help = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.MenuItems.Menu>(SearchCriteria.ByText("Help"));
//Click on View Help guide to open new
window from menu bar
var viewHelp = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.MenuItems.Menu>(SearchCriteria.ByText("View
iv. Perform summation on
calculator through White:
In this demo we will add two numbers (1234 and 5678) and will get result after
that we will compare the result to check whether we calculator is working
perfectly fine or not.
We will read all the keys of the calculator to press the desire key through
white, Here I m going with text instead of Automation Id :
with Numerical value 1
White.Core.UIItems.Button btn1 = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.Button>(SearchCriteria.ByText("1"));
//Button with Numerical value 2
btn2 = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.Button>(SearchCriteria.ByText("2"));
//Button with Numerical value 3
btn3 = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.Button>(SearchCriteria.ByText("3"));
//Button with Numerical value 4
btn4 = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.Button>(SearchCriteria.ByText("4"));
//Button with Numerical value 5
btn5 = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.Button>(SearchCriteria.ByText("5"));
//Button with Numerical value 6
btn6 = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.Button>(SearchCriteria.ByText("6"));
//Button with Numerical value 7
btn7 = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.Button>(SearchCriteria.ByText("7"));
//Button with Numerical value 8
btn8 = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.Button>(SearchCriteria.ByText("8"));
//Button with text as +(for sum)
btnSum = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.Button>(SearchCriteria.ByText("Add"));
//Read button to get the result
btnResult = _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.Button>(SearchCriteria.ByText("Equals"));
Press our 1st number 1234
//Type First Numbers 1234
Press on button Add to add
2nd number.
//Press Add
Now we will provide our 2nd
//Type 2nd number
We will press on Result
button (=) to get the result
//Get the result
After we will get the result
from the display on calculator
//read the result
resultLable= _mainWindow.Get<White.Core.UIItems.Label>(SearchCriteria.ByAutomationId("150"));
And finally we will
compare our result.
result = resultLable.Text;
result,"Sorry Summation is wrong!!");
We are done with the Automation of calculator using White Framework.
Enjoy Using White Framework.
This article is inspired from below link. Which trigger me write one article over here on white framework.
If you are using VS2010 then please change the Target framework to ".Net
Framework 4" under Application Tab. To get this option go to properties of your
project tree node.
Be default in vs2010 the Target framework will be ".Net Framework 4 client
profile". On running white code in this mode it will through a build exception
as "The type or namespace name 'White' could not be found (are you missing a
using directive or an assembly reference?) ",Even though you have added the
white name space.