New I/O APIs In Java 7 New Concept


In this article, we discuss I/O APIs in Java 7.

I/O APIs in Java

Java provides some libraries for input/output operations, in other words reading and writing to files or network sockets. A number of key classes and packages are provided as part of the JDK for dealing with I/O in Java.
Java Packages for dealing with  I/O APIs:
  3. java.nio

1. package

In the beginning, Java had only API working with input and output operations on files. This does data stream I/O in Java applications.
It contains classes like:
  • FileInputStream
  • FileReader
  • FileOutputStream
  • FileWriter
  • BufferedInputStream
  • BufferedOutputStream
  • ByteArrayOutputStream
  • ByteArrayInputStream

2. package

It provides classes to implement network-related applications.
It contains several classes:
  • ContentHandler
  • DatagramPacket
  • DatagramSocket
  • DatagramSocketImpl
  • HttpURLConnection
  • InetAddress
  • MulticastSocket
  • Socket
  • SocketImpl
  • URLConnection
  • URLEncoder
  • URLStreamHandler

3. Java.nio package

New I/O, also called nio, is a Java package. It was released with J2SE 1.4 used to extend the features of the package. It provides low-level I/O operations on modern operating systems.
It contains several classes:
  • Buffer
  • ByteBuffer
  • ByteOrder
  • CharBuffer
  • DoubleBuffer
  • FloatBuffer
  • IntBuffer
  • LongBuffer
  • MappedByteBuffer
  • ShortBuffer
The following are limitations of the current I/O API:
  • In the current I/O API there is no guarantee of proper deletion of a file, you must check again and again that the file was deleted.
  • Some operations are not scalable on directories and run on the parent thread.
  • When some changes happen in a file you need to do polling.
Then came Java 7 that provides a way to handle I/O operations on a file with respect to the underlying file system.
What's New
The following are what's new in the Java 7 I/O APIs:
  1. New File System API
  2. File Notifications
  3. Directory Operations
  4. Asynchronous I/0
The following are the reasons behind the change in APIs:
     1. In the previous versions, the class is:
  • inconsistent in handling files from various operating systems.
  • also inefficient in catching file attributes.
  • it has certain limits in accessing functionality from the filesystem.
  • when something goes wrong, some of its methods don't throw informative errors.
     2. The work is done in the new I/O API provides fast and scalable I/O.
So, Java provides NIO.2, new APIs that provide better access to the FileSystem.
The new I/O API provides:
  • A powerful traversing technique in the file system that helps to perform complex group operations.
  • Atomic operations on the file system providing synchronization of processes against the file system.
  • Custom file systems defined on certain file organization, like archives.
  • Updates of specific file and file system objects and their attributes as links, owners and permissions.
  • A convenient method to operate on entire file content such as copy, read, edit and move.
  • Monitoring file system modifications.
Using JAVA 7 I/O API: we make a program with a .txt file to check the creation date of a file, last access of the file, last update of the file, etc.; see:
  1. import java.text.*;  
  2. import java.util.*;  
  3. import java.nio.file.*;  
  4. import java.nio.file.attribute.*;  
  6. public class Nio2Ex {  
  7.  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {  
  8.   FileSystem flsystem = FileSystems.getDefault();  
  9.   Properties pr = System.getProperties();  
  10.   String homePathaddress = pr.get("user.home").toString();  
  11.   Path homeaddress = flsystem.getPath(homePathaddress);  
  12.   System.out.println("File\t\t\tDate Creation \t\tLast File Access\t\tLast File Update");  
  13.   try (DirectoryStream < Path > flow = Files.newDirectoryStream(homeaddress, "*.txt")) {  
  14.    for (Path item: flow) {  
  15.     BasicFileAttributes atrbs = Files.readAttributes(item, BasicFileAttributes.class);  
  16.     Date DateCreate = new Date(atrbs.creationTime().toMillis());  
  17.     Date DateAccess = new Date(atrbs.lastAccessTime().toMillis());  
  18.     Date DateUpdate = new Date(atrbs.lastModifiedTime().toMillis());  
  19.     DateFormat dfrmt = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");  
  20.     System.out.format("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s%n", item, dfrmt.format(DateCreate), dfrmt.format(DateAccess), dfrmt.format(DateUpdate));  
  21.    }  
  22.   }  
  23.  }  
  24. }  

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