Key Elements in the Quick Test Professional Window
![qtp new.png]()
The Quick Test window contains the following key elements:
Quick Test Title Bar: Displays the name of the active document. If changes have been made since it was last saved, an asterisk (*) is displayed next to the document name in the title bar.
Menu Bar: Displays menus of Quick test commands.
Standard Toolbar: Contains buttons to assist you in managing your test.
View Toolbar: Contains buttons to view the various panes that can assist you in the testing process.
Tools Toolbar: Contains buttons to assist you in setting options, checking syntax and working with the object spy.
Automation Toolbar: Contains buttons to assist you in inserting steps, actions, checkpoints and output values into your test.
Edit Toolbar: Contains buttons to assist you in editing your test steps.
Debug Toolbar: Contains buttons to assist you in debugging tests.
Action Toolbar: Contains buttons and a list of actions, enabling you to view the details of an individual action or the entire test flow.
Document Tabs: Enables you to navigate open documents in the document area by selecting the tab of the document you want to activate.
Keyword View: Contains each step and displays the object hierarchy in a modular icon-based table.
Expert View: Contains each step as a VBScript line. In object-based steps, the VBScript line defines the object hierarchy.
Status Bar: Displays the status of the Quick Test application and other relevant information.
Keyword View
The keyword view enables you to create and view the steps of your test in a keyword driven, modular, tabular format. The keyword view is comprised of a table-like view, in which each step is a separate row in the table and each column represents various parts of the steps. You can modify the columns displayed to suit your requirements. You create and modify tests by selecting items and operations in the Keyword view and entering information as required. Each step is automatically documented as you complete it, enabling you to view a description of your test steps in understandable English.
See the image below for Keyword View:
![keyword view.jpg]()
Expert View
In the Expert View, Quick Test displays each operation performed on your application in the form of a script, comprised of VBScript statements. The expert view is a script editor with many scripts editing capabilities. For each object and method in an Expert View statement, a corresponding row exists in the Keyword View. The action list above the Expert View window lists the actions that are called from the test.
See the image below for Expert View: