jListQuery is a library that provides a fluent interface to query JSON/JavaScript lists/arrays in memory.
jListQuery is implemented as a jQuery plugin. You can download the plugin for your own use.
You can include jListQuery in your html file from googlecode by adding the below script tag to your page:
- <script src="https://code.google.com/p/jlistquery/source/browse/trunk/jListQuery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
In ASP .NET MVC 4 view:
- @section
- Scripts {
- @Scripts.Render("https://code.google.com/p/jlistquery/source/browse/trunk/jListQuery.js")
- }
A demo of the plugin is on JSFiddle:
The plugin has been hosted by the jQuery Plugin Registry at:
Description |
Parameters |
list |
Initialize the querying interface with a JSON/JavaScript list. |
list: the list to initialize with |
join |
Join another list with exisiting list or previous join. |
list: list to join with on: function with the condition of the join |
forEach |
Iterates through list and executes an action against each item. |
action: the action to execute for each element in the list |
firstOrDefault |
Fetches the first item that matches the predicate or returns null. |
predicate: function with the condition |
lastOrDefault |
Fetches the last item that matches the predicate or returns null. |
predicate: function with the condition |
singleOrDefault |
Fetches the item if it is the only item in the list that matches the predicate or returns null. |
predicate: function with the condition |
where |
Fetches all items from the list that match the predicate. |
predicate: function with the condition |
toList |
Re-initialize the result of a query to a new list or return the result of the previous query. This is to be used with the where and orderBy APIs. |
reinitialize: boolean, true initializes a new list and false returns the result. |
orderBy |
Orders the list by a predicate. |
predicate: function with the condition for ordering |
select |
Returns a list of elements that are the result of the query. |
predicate: function that returns a new element |
removeAll |
Removes all elements that match the predicate. |
predicate: function with the condition |
//Json Data
var listEmployees = { "employees": [{ "Id": 3, "Name": "David" }, { "Id": 2, "Name": "Adam" }, { "Id": 1, "Name": "Shan"}] };
var listSuper = { "funds": [{ "EmpId": 3, "FundName": "123 Super" }, { "EmpId": 2, "FundName": "XYZ Super" }, { "EmpId": 1, "FundName": "ABC Super"}] };
var listDetails = { "details": [{ "EmpId": 3, "Address": "123 Street", "Dob": "1995/07/21" }, { "EmpId": 1, "Address": "ABC Street", "Dob": "1983/06/21" }, { "EmpId": 2, "Address": "XYZ Street", "Dob": "1995/06/21"}] };
//Initialize list
//Query list
var employee = $.singleOrDefault(function (e) { return e.Name == "Adam"; });
employee = $.firstOrDefault(function (e) { return e.Name == "Shan"; });
//Loop through all elements of the list
$.forEach(function (e, index) { alert(e.Name); });
//Query to get all employees where the Id is greater than or equal to 2
var employees = $.list(listEmployees.employees)
.where(function (e) { return e.Id >= 2 }).toList(false);
for (var i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
alert(employees[i].Id + "," + employees[i].Name);
//Query to get all employees where the Id is greater than or equal to 2, ordered by Name
var employees = $.list(listEmployees.employees)
.where(function (e) { return e.Id >= 2 }).toList(true)
.orderBy(function (a, b) { return a.Name < b.Name ? -1 : a.Name > b.Name ? 1 : 0; })
for (var i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
alert(employees[i].Id + "," + employees[i].Name);
//Query to get all employees (and their details) whose Date of Birth is greater than 1990/01/01, ordered by Name
var employees =
.join(listSuper.funds, function (emp, superAnn) { return emp.Id == superAnn.EmpId; })
.join(listDetails.details, function (lastJoin, detail) { return lastJoin[0].Id == detail.EmpId; })
.where(function (joinedItem) { return new Date(joinedItem[2].Dob) > new Date(1990, 1, 1) })
.orderBy(function (a, b) { return a[0].Name < b[0].Name ? -1 : a[0].Name > b[0].Name ? 1 : 0; })
.select(function (joinedItem) {
var item = {};
item.Id = joinedItem[0].Id;
item.Name = joinedItem[0].Name;
item.Super = joinedItem[1].FundName;
item.Address = joinedItem[2].Address;
item.Dob = joinedItem[2].Dob;
return item;
for (var i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
alert(employees[i].Id + "," + employees[i].Name + "," + employees[i].Super + "," + employees[i].Address + "," + employees[i].Dob);
//Remove all employees whose name matches Adam
.removeAll(function (emp) { return emp.Name == "Adam"; });
for (var i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
alert(employees[i].Id + "," + employees[i].Name + "," + employees[i].Super + "," + employees[i].Address + "," + employees[i].Dob);