This article demonstrate how to create a simple smooth scrolling ProgressBar control. A ProgressBar control is used to represent the progress of a task that takes time where a user has to wait for the task to be finished. The default Progress of the ProgressBar is start from the Left to Right. A ProgressBar is a Dynamic, Graphical bar that fills up in response of control events.
Here in this article I am creating a ProgressBar using a thread. First you will create a form, than you will create the progress bar control and also set the timing for the Thread and lastly you will add the ProgressBar to the form.
Properties of ProgressBar
Properties |
Description |
AccessibleRole |
Get/set the accessible role of the control |
BackColor |
Get/set the background color of the control |
BindingContext |
Get/set the BindingContext for the control |
DataBindings |
Gets the data bindings for the control |
DefaultCursor |
Get/set the DefaultCursor for the control |
Margin |
Get/set the space between controls |
Minimum |
Get/set the minimum value of the range of the control |
Maximum |
Get/set the maximum value of the range of the control |
Methods Of ProgressBar
Methods |
Description |
GetType |
Gets the Type of the current instance |
Hide |
Conceals the control from the user |
CreateGraphics |
Creates the Graphics for the control |
CreateAccessibilityInstance |
Creates a new accessibility object for the control |
CreateHandle |
Create a Handle for the control |
Focus |
Sets input Focus to the control |
WndProc |
Processes Windows Messages |
ResumeLayout |
Resumes usual layout logic |
Getting Started
Step 1: First open a new project in F# using Visual Studio 2010 and give a name to it.
![New Project Dialog Box]()
Step 2: Click on Program.fs file in Solution Explorer.
![Solution Explorer]()
Step 3: Write the following code in the Program.fs window; your Program.fs window will look like below.
![ProgressBar Example]()
open System
open System.Windows.Forms
open System.Drawing
open System.Threading
let form = new Form(Visible=true, TopMost = true)
form.Size <- new Size(300, 70)
let pb = new ProgressBar(Minimum = 0, Maximum = 10, Dock = DockStyle.Fill)
let threadfunc () =
for i = 0 to 10 do
pb.Invoke(Action(fun _ -> pb.Value <- i)) |> ignore
let thread = new Thread(threadfunc)
do Application.Run(form)
Step 4: Now press F5 to execute the code.
![ProgressBar Output3]()
In this article I have discussed how to create a ProgressBar in F#.