Duplicate data is a very big and serious problem for developers as well as the system. It occupies extra space and decreases the response of the query. To overcome this problem we have two methodologies. The first is to select distinct data from the table but it is a temporary solution, not a permanent solution. This approach is not efficient and also creates a headache for developers to select always distinct data.
Figure 1: Table 1
- Select
- distinct *
- from
- Employee_Detail
The output will be a distinct set of data as in the following:
Figure 2: Table 2
But as I explained previously, that is not a good approach. So now we will try the second methodology in which we delete (remove) all duplicate data from the table. This approach is best because it removes duplicate data permanently from the table. We aren't required to always select the distinct data from the table.
There are various methods for removing duplicate data that should be used depending upon the data of the table and our requirements. Let us understand some important methods of removing the data from the table.
Method 1: Use of Temp Table
In this method we use a temp table. In this method the following procedure will be used.
- Select the distinct data from the original table and insert it into the temp table.
- Delete data from the original table
- Insert the distinct data from the temp table into the original table and remove the temp table
Figure 3: Table 3
- /* Insert Data into temp Table */
- Select
- Distinct * into #Temp_tab
- from
- Employee_Detail
- /* Delete Data from Table */
- Delete from
- Employee_Detail
- /* Insert data from Temp table into Employee_Detail Table */
- insert into Employee_Detail
- select
- *
- from
- #Temp_tab
- /* Drop Temp Table */
- Drop
- Table #Temp_tab
- select
- *
- from
- Employee_Detail
Figure 4: output
There are some problems with this method. It requires a temp table and insertion and deletion of data many timews and takes more time and the complexity is very high.
Method 2
This method is useful when a table contains at least one unique field. Let us see an example for a better understanding of this approach.
Figure 5: Table 4
- delete T1
- from
- MyTable T1,
- MyTable T2
- where
- T1.dupField = T2.dupField
- and T1.uniqueField > T2.uniqueField
- Delete Table1
- from
- Employee_Detail Table1,
- Employee_Detail Table2
- Where
- Table1.Emp_name = Table2.Emp_Name
- and Table1.Emp_City = Table2.Emp_City
- and Table1.Emp_Age = Table2.Emp_Age
- and Table1.Emp_Salary = Table2.Emp_Salary
- and Table1.Emp_Id > Table2.Emp_Id
Figure 6: output
Method 3: Using Identity Column
This method is useful when a table doesn't contain a unique field. In this method the following procedure will be used:
- Create a identity column in table.
- Use method 2 for deletion
- Remove identity column from table
Figure 7: Table 5
This query is actually done in two parts. In other words this query is a set of two querires.
In the first query we create an Identity Column in the table.
- /* Create a Identity Column */
- Alter table
- Employee_Detail
- Add
- Emp_Id int identity(1, 1)
After successfully execution of this query we execute the second query as in the following:
- /* Delete Data */
- Delete Table1
- from
- Employee_Detail Table1,
- Employee_Detail Table2
- Where
- Table1.Emp_name = Table2.Emp_Name
- and Table1.Emp_City = Table2.Emp_City
- and Table1.Emp_Age = Table2.Emp_Age
- and Table1.Emp_Salary = Table2.Emp_Salary
- and Table1.Emp_Id > Table2.Emp_Id
- /* Remove Identity Column */
- Alter table
- Employee_Detail
- Drop
- column Emp_Id
- Select
- *
- from
- Employee_Detail
Figure 8: output
Method 4: Using ROW_NUMBER()
In this method we use a Row_Number. We generate a row number with respect to each set of duplicate values then one the behalf of these row numbers we do a deletion operation. We use a Common Table Expression (CTE) in this query.
Figure 9: Table 6
1. First generate a Row_Number with respect to each set of the same values.
- WITH TempEmp (
- Emp_Name, Emp_Age, Emp_Salary, Emp_City,
- Dupli_Col
- ) AS (
- *,
- PARTITION by Emp_Name,
- Emp_Age,
- Emp_Salary,
- Emp_City
- Emp_Name
- ) AS Dupli_Col
- Employee_Detail
- )
- Select
- *
- TempEmp
Figure 10: Table 7
Now the table will look as in the following.
2. Now do a delete operation on the table.
- Delete from
- TempEmp
- where
- Dupli_Col > 1
- select
- *
- from
- Employee_Detail
The complete query of this method is:
WITH TempEmp ( Emp_Name, Emp_Age, Emp_Salary, Emp_City, Dupli_Col )
( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION by Emp_Name, Emp_Age, Emp_Salary, Emp_City ORDER BY Emp_Name ) AS Dupli_Col
Delete from TempEmp
Dupli_Col > 1
select * from Employee_Detail
Figure 11: Table 8
Method 5: Using Sub queryIn this method we use ranking. In this method we add an Identity column then we find a rank for each row. If the rank for a row is greater than one, in other words it is a duplicate row, then we will delete this row from the table.
Figure 12: Table 9
This query is also divided into two parts like method 3. In the first query we create an Identity Column in the table.
- /* Create A Indetity Column */
- Alter Table
- Employee_Detail
- Del int identity(1, 1)
After successfully execution of this query we execute second query that is following .
- /* Delete Data from table */
- delete from
- Employee_Detail
- where
- Del in (
- select
- Del
- from
- (
- select
- *,
- PARTITION by Emp_Name,
- Emp_Age,
- Emp_Salary,
- Emp_City
- Del Desc
- ) rank
- From
- Employee_Detail
- ) Tbl
- where
- rank > 1
- )
- /* Remove Identity Column */
- alter table
- Employee_Detail
- drop
- column Del
Figure 13: Output
So we can see that there are many methods for handling duplicate data in SQL. Which method to use depends upon conditions and requirements.