How to Send Mail Using SQL Server: Part 3

The following three parts of this tutorial are,

  1. Configure email profile and send test Email using SQL Server.
  2. Select and send data in the mail.
  3. Schedule daily mail from the SQL Server


This article explains how to schedule a daily mail from SQL Server 2008. To send daily emails I will create a SQL Server Agent job to archive mail messages and after sending the mail I will also recode the Event Logs in a file.

Step 1. Log in to SQL Server 2008 with the correct username and password.

Step 2. Expand SQL Server Agent then go to Jobs then right-click "New Job..." as in the following.

SQL Server Agent

Step 3. The following window appears, click on the General Tab first then Fill proper data then click on Steps.

General Tab

Step 4. When you click on Steps the following window will appear.


When you click on "New..." it will go to the following window.


Provide the name of the steps and in the type dropdown select Transact-SQL Scripts then select the database and write the following scripts for the command.

EXEC sp_send_dbmail 
    @profile_name = 'MyTestMail',  
    @recipients = '[email protected]',  
    @subject = 'My Test Mail Service with student data.',  
    @body = 'Hi This is daily Mail',  
    @body_format = 'HTML';

Step 5. Then click on the OK button go to the Schedules tab and you will find the following window.

Schedules tab

Click on "New...".

Step 6. Then schedule the job by entering the relevant information in the Schedules tab.

 Schedules tab

In this window set the occurrence, frequency, Schedule type, time to fire job, start date and end date, and so on.

Then click OK. That's down. Our daily email scheduler is ready and will send mail daily at 08:00 PM. Check the mail, it will show the data.


In this illustration, you learned about configuring and sending daily email using SQL Server 2008. Please provide your valuable comments about this article.

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